18 years old today ..To you, my reason, my all..Success is not - TopicsExpress


18 years old today ..To you, my reason, my all..Success is not linear, so remove yourself from that frame of mind. Do what you want, what makes you the happiest, even if it’s not a popular decision. At least this way, later on if you decide it was a mistake, the only person you have to blame is yourself. Set your own goals, and don’t pay attention to the “timeline” imposed by society. TRAVEL. TRAVEL. TRAVEL. Study abroad in college, teach , volunteer at an NGO for a cause of your choice, do a RTW trip, or anything. Get out there and explore. Learn about the world, different cultures, other ways of living, and more importantly, yourself.Embrace the constant that is change and your life may never be the same (it’ll be better!). Life’s all about the details, so take time to notice the beauty around you. There will always be time for everything. Enjoy the journey instead of trying to “get it done.” Know your worth and act like it. Never walk around thinking your friends, boyfriend, employer, etc. are doing you a favor by keeping you in their lives. Head up high! Never let yourself or anyone else make you think you’re worthy of anything but the best.The dirty emotion of jealousy will reveal some of the grossest parts of human kind, but you continue doing your thing and keep it classy. As a wise man once told me, if people aren’t jealous of you or talking about you, you’re not doing something right.As grand as your vision was to change the world in high school, you can’t change everything and everyone. Strive to make an impact in individuals, one person at a time, starting with those around you. If you’ve made at least one person’s life better, you’ve created change. Invest in your education, but only you can decide when the time is right. If you need to take time off between college and graduate school, do it. You may regret it later if you don’t! Explore your interests and passions as much as possible. You may not have time later. And if you can convert those into a job, it’ll never feel like work again! You’ll get a lot farther with collaboration instead of competition. As a very competitive person, it’s all about how you channel that competitive spirit.You will not like and get along with everyone you meet in life and that’s A-OK, but instead of wasting your time and energy with them, keep your distance. Never ever apologize for who you are and what you’ve accomplished. If a man is intimidated by a strong woman, don’t waste another minute there. It’s not your problem and there’s no need to apologize for his insecurities.Take risks and push your limits. If you do what you have always done then you will only have what you have always had. Take that step on the old dilapidated rope bridge; you don’t know what you might find at the other end. Travel to a new place, risk not planning your next few weeks, and/or say hello to a complete stranger at least once a month. As Mark Twain said, “18 years from now, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do rather than ones you did…” Remember the child in your heart and explore life with a sense of curiosity! All of your dreams can come true if you want them to. Don’t be afraid to dream big but remember the first step to making a dream come true is waking up and getting out of bed. Don’t sleep through your dreams, live through them. Let your imagination run wild and inspire you to create something more amazing than the dream.Open your heart to the possibility that every person you meet has the chance to change your life forever. Don’t be afraid of hurt and allow yourself to fall in love every chance you get. The other 7 billion people on this planet are beautiful and complex creatures that have so much to teach you. Remember that the most important person in the world is the one you’re with!! I love you! Mom
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:40:52 +0000

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