1800 BURIED AT KINGDOM CEMETERY,HAS EBOLA VICTIMS.HMMM PAPA GOVERNMENT!!!!WE KNOW THE TRICK!! Kingtom Cemetery in the west of Freetown so far holds in its bosom an estimated 1, 800 corpses all victims of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) according to the Mayor of the Municipality of Freetown, Franklyn Bode Gibson. He said the Freetown City Council is keeping record of each and every burial at the Kingtom Cemetery disclosing that as of yesterday, Wednesday, 13th November 2014, 1, 800 bodies have been buried in the cemetery and that about 120 new graves have already been dug out awaiting new set of bodies. In the estimation of Mayor Gibson, the Ebola virus situation “is getting worse” in the municipality and without any remiss in his words, the people are to blame for the widespread describing people’s relation to the virus disease as “unserious”. “Even though people are dying and people are getting sick by the virus; even though the country’s economy is being wrecked by what it is costing government to eradicate the virus, people are still denying and are doing those things which they have been warned not to do. That shows that people are not serious about what this virus disease is costing us,” Mayor Gibson stated. He suggested that some of these people should visit the Kingtom cemetery to see the reality of what Ebola is doing to people and to see the empty graves that will soon be filled, “may be that will let them understand this reality and accept the measures put in place to protect and contain the spread of the virus” Mayor Gibson stated. He said Ebola is now a universal problem and the world has come together to fight the virus. “Even if we get all the help in the world, if we the people of Sierra Leone refuse to change our attitude and follow the prevention measures, the battle will not be won so easily,” the Mayor stressed. Addressing the nurse trainees at the Sierra Leone Library Board yesterday, he encouraged them to be each other’s keeper and to exhibit high level of discipline and ethical behaviour in the course of their work and fight against the Ebola virus. He acknowledged the efforts of the burial teams and noted their improved response time and care during burials. He reminded them however of the need to continue taking precaution and prevention measures seriously to avoid contraction and spread of the virus. He thanked the Chinese for their timely intervention into the country’s Ebola fight, thanked them for their logistical and professional support and for the training of local health workers all aimed at breaking the chain of transmission and eliminating the virus from the face of the country. “Our negative attitudes have cost us thousands of lives because we refuse to change and obey simple laws,” the Mayor grumbled, noting that it is the same problem he is grappling with regarding street traders who do not want to obey simple orders that can ensure the safety of all of us and ensure the return of the country to normalcy. “Development, education and the economy have all been challenged,” the Mayor observed, stating that because of all of these, “things are going from bad to worse and people are still denying and refusing to do the right things. Are we waiting for God to come down and tell us to obey simple instructions and laws?” He questioned. Mayor Gibson went on to declare that the time for Sierra Leone to bring the Ebola scourge to an end is now or never, stressing on the need to enforce all the laws and regulations associated with the public health emergency declared by the President. “If people are not ready to change their attitudes, they should be forced to do in their own interest,” the Mayor stated, citing that Liberia is getting lower cases reports because they decided as a people to change their attitudes and they believed and accepted what their government and health workers are telling them. “If Liberia can do it, we can do it as well,” he declared.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 02:38:29 +0000

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