180th KANO STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING PREPARED BY COUNCIL AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, KANO. In the second (2nd) term (29th May, 2011 to date) of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE as the popularly elected Governor of Kano State, the Government expended a total sum of money close to Four Hundred and Thirty Four Billion One Hundred and Seventy One Million, Two Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand, Six Hundred and Eighteen Naira, Twenty Kobo (N434,171,252,618.20) transparently and prudently deployed in the execution of over Four Thousand, Four Hundred and Seventy Five (4,475) projects/policies/schemes/programmes at an average rate of twenty five (25) approvals granted per each of the previous one hundred and seventy nine (179) sittings of the State Executive Council. As such, it is correct to state that, the State Executive Council progressively approved an average expenditure of Ninety Seven Million, Twenty Thousand, Five Hundred and Eight Naira, Ninety Seven Kobo (N97,021,508.97) per each of its previous one hundred and Seventy nine (179) sittings in the execution of public oriented/spirited projects/policies/schemes/programmes across all sectors in line with resolutions precisely captured and designed concisely to address the positive transformation of the State along with the lives of the citizenry for the better. In fact at one of the sittings the council APPROVED an expenditure in excess of N33 Billion Naira and the proceeding week N27 Billion was also approved. In this regard, all Government activities undertaken by Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) are transparently and prudently executed as commendably depicted across all sectors with achievements recorded unequaled by any other administration within the span of three (3) and a half years in Kano or any other State in Nigeria. Indelible and easily retrievable records attest to this in respect of all sectors. Sure and confident to complete all the initiated positive developmental efforts, the State Executive Council held its number one hundred and eighty (180) sitting under the Chairmanship of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE on Wednesday 17th December, 2014 (25th Safar, 1436AH). Thirty eight (38) memoranda from five (5) MDAs were tabled for deliberation of which Council approved seventeen (17) cutting across six (6) sectors with an expenditure of One Hundred and Twenty Five Million, Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Seven Hundred and Twenty Nine Naira, Sixty Kobo (N125,350,729.60) covering fifteen (15) projects while the remaining two (2) are on policy issues. Thus; THE INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT/MAINTENANCE SECTOR Achievements recorded by the current administration in the State in respect of the infrastructural development/maintenance sector stand out prominently as a signature/indelible stamp of the Kwankwasiyya Legacy and Commendable/Copious approach as vitally required across all sectors for the transformation of the quality of lives of the citizenry for the better. Edifices that stand out abound of which only few examples can be cited under the following three (3) prominent sectors; viz; the Education Sector; the Health Sector and the Transportation Sector. The Education Sector The Physical/Infrastructural requirements are robustly provided continually which positively transforms the performance of Government in respect of this sector at all levels and physical ramifications, among others. This administration executed the following projects and more as physically required to positively transform the education sector. Construction of over 3,000 classrooms to decongest existing ones in both Basic Education and Secondary Schools in Kano State so as to ensure accommodating an average of no more than sixty (60) pupils/Students per classroom. The prototype Kwankwasiyya Blocks of Storey Classrooms plus offices and conveniences attest to this across the State. Conversion of several unused/underutilized Government owned buildings (e.g. Gidan Ado Bayero, Former Magwan Water Restaurant, Yadakunya Psychiatric Hospital, etc.) to viable Schools. Renovation of several Basic Education/Secondary Schools and provision of perimeter wall fence to fortify many from encroachment, etc. Establishment of the permanent site for the Northwest University, Kano. Establishment of the permanent site for the College of Arts, Science and Remedial Studies (CARS), Tudun – Wada Dankadai, etc. The Health Sector Performance of the present administration in the effort to provide the infrastructure required under the Health Sector is commendable as the envisaged positive transformation is a reality in the sense that, Most of the Kano State Government owned General Hospitals/Health Facilities are currently renovated/fully equipped. Establishment of the State Primary Health Care Management Board is currently a reality with all the physical/infrastructural requirements available. College of Nursing and Basic Midwifery, Madobi; School of Post Basic Midwifery Gezawa and School of Health Technology Bebeji are established with all the infrastructural/physical requirements available, etc. The Transportation Sector Developments and the general positive trend recorded in the infrastructural requirements under this sector are tremendous as to warrant only mention of the few that standout. Viz; Several new roads were constructed while many of the existing ones are expanded and maintained continuously. Street lights provided along all categories of roads in Kano Metropolis as well as along the 5KM roads constructed in each of the 44 Local Government Headquarters. Pedestrian walkways along the major roads in Metropolitan Kano are provided with Garden Interlock tiles to ease movement and protect the roads, etc. Continuing with the commendable effort towards the physical positive transformation of the State, the State Executive Council approved the execution of three (3) set of memoranda under the infrastructural development/maintenance sector as follows; Request for Funds to Enable Procurement of Duraline Flame Fighter Hoses and Chemical Foam Compound:- This request was submitted from the State Fire Service Department but was endorsed by the State Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport and presented to Council for consideration. Details on the two (2) items required were presented along with the request for the release of the sum of N9,375,000.00 for the stated purpose. Council considered relevance of the project to the protection of lives and property in fighting accidental fire outbreaks and approved as requested. Request for Funds to Enable Provision of Fire Extinguishers, Servicing Existing Ones and Training of Kano State Government House Staff on Fire Fighting Techniques:- The Honourable Commissioner, State Affairs instructed the State Fire Service Department to conduct the cited training which channeled the cited request through the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport (as its Supervisor) for consideration by Council. The details presented were considered as relevant by Council which approved the release of the requested sum of N9,266,500.00 for the stated purpose. Request for Funds for the Renovation of Takai/Albasu Inter Town Conversion (ITC) Complex for Electricity Supplied to Seven (7) Towns:- The Takai/Albasu I.T.C Complex provides it’s Inter Town Conversion Services for electricity supplied to seven (7) towns which include Takai, Durbunde, Fajewa, Falali, Marke Sabuwar Kasuwa, Tsanyawa and Sakwaya. The complex requires renovation urgently as its services are in demand in accordance with the socio – economic needs of the affected Communities. Details of the project were assessed and estimated to cost the sum of N13,792,327.00 which was requested for release to enable the State Rural Electricity Board (REB) execute the project under the supervision of the State Ministry of Rural and Community Development. Accordingly, Council noted, considered and approved as requested. THE EMPOWERMENT SECTOR Again, the State Executive Council approved the execution of five (5) memoranda under the empowerment sector at its one hundred and eightieth (180th) sitting. These added to the impressive series of memoranda approved for execution under the sector that cut across all segments of the society in various ways. For example; Provision of access to professional/academic education:- A large number of the State Indigenous qualified students sponsored for professional/academic courses at both under/post Graduate levels (over 4,000) in institutions/colleges/universities publicly and privately owned locally and abroad. Provision of access to capacity building for serving civil servants:- Series of workshops, seminars, conferences, on – the – job training, etc. were approved to be conducted locally and several others to be attended by serving civil servants so as to build their respective capacities for effective service delivery. Beneficiaries cut across MDAs and the number is incomparably impressive. Twenty four (24) employable skills acquisition training institutes were established of which many graduated their trainees that commenced benefitting their acquired skills. Various empowerment schemes were conducted by the State Community Reorientation Council (CRC); the Hisbah Board; the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development; etc. Reintroduction of the Lafiya Jari Empowerment Scheme under which an impressive number of unemployed youth were trained on the business of patent medicine store. Provision of take – off capital free of charge to the beneficiaries of the empowerment schemes etc. Provision of support to the needy:- Bereaved families of deceased civil servants are promptly paid the statutory bereaved family allowances. Displaced/distressed persons catered for; examples are those displaced from the Central African Republic, Mubi in Adamawa State, etc. to mention but few. In this vein, the five (5) memoranda approved for execution at the one hundred and eightieth (180th) sitting of the State Executive Council can be sub – divided into three (3). That is two (2) under provision of access to professional/academic education, one (1) under provision of access to capacity building for serving civil servants, and one (1) under provision of support to the needy. Provision of access to professional/academic education:- Twenty three (23) qualified Kano State Indigenous students are currently sponsored for various under graduate programmes at the American University of Nigeria, Yola Adamawa State. Council approved the release of the aggregate sum of N2,070,000.00 as requested by the State Scholarship Board to enable payment of monthly feeding allowances for nine (9) months (April – December, 2014) to the twenty three (23) students at the rate of N10,000.00 per month (i.e. N90,000.00 x 23). Twenty (20) amongst the one hundred (100) State Indigenous students sponsored for Pilot Training at Mideast Aviation Academy Jordan successfully completed their course. Council approved the release of the sum of N2,860,000.00 to enable them afford the five (5) items required to sit for a written examination under the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority so as to qualify for Nigeria Pilot License. Provision of access to capacity building for serving civil servants:- Approval was granted for the release of the sum of N2,000,000.00 by the State Executive Council at its one hundred and eightieth (180th) sitting to enable the State Ministry of Education host the mandatory continuous programme and training for 1,100 principals of secondary schools (ANCOPSS), Kano State Chapter. Provision of support to the needy:- The Kano State Secretariat of the NYSC requested for financial assistance from the State Government by granting approval for the release of the sum of N4,195,200.00 to enable furnishing and provision of mosquito netting at its Kusalla permanent NYSC Orientation Camp site, Karaye Local Government. Accordingly, Council considered and approval was granted in support as requested. THE HEALTH SECTOR The present administration in the State leaves no stone unturned in transforming the Health Sector positively. All aspects and ramifications of the sector are improved continually which include the infrastructural, material, equipment, personnel, consumables, etc. requirements. A trip round Government owned health facilities of all categories will confirm this as the sector enjoys priority consideration among others. Continuing with the commendable trend, Council approved the execution of five (5) memoranda under the health sector during its one hundred and eightieth (180th) sitting as follows; Request for Funds for the Control of Scabies in Kano State:- Cognizant of the capacity of scabies to quickly spread from infected to non – infected persons in the society especially among children living in unhygienic environment, the office of the Secretary to the State Government endorsed this request from the Ministry of Health and presented it to Council for consideration. Details were presented along with the request for the release of the sum of N5,634,500.00 to the State Ministry of Health to enable control of scabies as a common skin disease in Kano State. Accordingly, Council considered and approved as requested. Request for Funds for Monthly Support to Community Based Management of Severe Malnutrition in Six (6) Local Government Council Areas:- This routine request was submitted from the State Ministry of Health but endorsed by the office of the Secretary to the State Government and presented to Council for consideration. The six (6) Local Government Council Areas specified in this memorandum include Bichi, Kano Municipal, Madobi, Sumaila, Wudil and Tsanyawa in order to improve, manage and treat children with severe malnutrition in Communities. The details presented were considered by Council as approval was granted along with instructions to the six (6) concerned Local Government Councils to ensure continuous monthly release of the sum of N1,281,400.00 to the State Ministry of Health to ensure control of severe malnutrition in their respective domains. Presentation of the Need and Request for Funds for the Supply/Installation of Equipment/Furniture at the Gwarzo General Hospital (Main Theatre/Renovated Structures):- Infrastructures at the Gwarzo General Hospital were recently renovated along with the main operation theatre. Provision/installation of equipment and furniture are still pending for the hospital to be fully functional which prompted submission of this request for consideration by Council as endorsed by the office of the Secretary to the State Government. Accordingly, Council approved the release of the sum of N20,835,159.68 for the project. Request for Funds for Donation to the Endowment Fund to the Tune of N700,000,000.00 to Enable the Dala Orthopedic Hospital Establish a Spinal Centre:- Cognizant of the positive impact envisaged in the establishment of the stated Spinal Centre, the Ministry of Health recommended to the State Executive Council to approve the release of the sum of N5,000,000.00 as token financial contribution of the State Government towards the successful establishment of the immensely required Spinal Centre at the Dala National Orthopedic Hospital, Kano. Council noted, considered and approved as recommended. THE EDUCATION SECTOR The unprecedented positive transformation of the education sector in the State, requires no emphasis in this medium. The story tells itself glaringly and stridently as one sees and hears it when conducting a verification tour round the State. Relentlessly, the State Executive Council approved the execution of yet another set of three (3) memoranda under the education sector at its one hundred and eightieth (180th) sitting as follows; Request for Funds to Enable Completing Building a School Donated to the Kano State Ministry of Education:- The Ministry of Education notified Council, through contents of this memorandum that, the Sabuwar Gandu Development Association, Kumbotso Local Government Council Area with registration number No. 7 of 1987 donated an uncompleted school building to the State Ministry of Education which consists of the following; Storey block of thirteen (13) classrooms (ground floor). Two (2) staff rooms. Two (2) stores. Twelve (12) toilets. To assess the requirements for completing building the school, a physical inspection of the site was undertaken during which need for completion was identified estimated to cost the sum of N24,144,322.92 which was requested for release by Council for the project. Accordingly, Council appreciated the philanthropic gesture and approved as requested. Request for Funds for the Purchase of Chinese Language Textbooks for the Chinese Academy and Its Library, Located at Challawa:- The present administration established four (4) special secondary schools which include; Chinese Language Academy, Agric Academy, French Academy and Sports Academy in various locations in the State. The students of the Chinese Academy established in the State, required set of textbooks for the teaching and learning of the Chinese Language taught in the school. Again, students’ and teachers’ reference books are required in the library where one hundred (100) Kano State Indigenous students were admitted in the Academy and fourteen (14) teachers were trained on Chinese language abroad. More details were presented to Council for consideration along with the request for the release of the sum of $13,030.00. Accordingly, Council considered and approved as requested. Request for Funds to Facilitate for Five (5) Requirements by Kano State Indigenous Students Studying at Three (3) Bilingual Colleges in Niger Republic:- Cognizant of the bilateral agreement that exists between the Kano State Government and that of the Niger Republic for the establishment of the two (2) Bilingual Colleges in Niamey and Zinder, the Ministry of Education submitted this request for consideration by Council. The details presented were summarized to five (5) prayers as follows; Council to consider and approve the release of the sum of N1,200,000.00 for the purchase of two hundred (200) units of mattresses for two hundred (200) newly admitted students of Bilingual College Zinder. Council to consider the release of the sum of N1,200,000.00 to enable refund of the expenditure incurred to purchase two hundred (200) units of mattresses for two hundred (200) students of Bilingual College Niamey. Council to consider and approve the release of the sum of N500,000.00 to obtain one hundred (100) ECOWAS Certificates for one hundred (100) Kano State Indigenous students studying at Bilingual College Zinder. Council to consider and approve the release of the sum of N2,100,000.00 to enable payment of six (6) months’ rent at the rate of N350,000.00 per month for the temporary site pending commencement of academic activities at the permanent site of the Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso Bilingual College Zinder. Council to consider and approve the release of the sum of N670,000.00 for the transportation of one hundred (100) Kano State Indigenous students of Muhammadou Issoufou Bilingual College Zinder. Accordingly, Council considered the five (5) prayers as authentic and approved the release of the requested sum of N5,670,000.00 for the commitment. THE INFORMATION/COMMUNICATION SECTOR This sector is the capable image maker for the present administration and carries the banner that blatantly informs the public of all activities of the State Government. One can correctly say that, the information/communication sector is the Government as far as this administration is concerned because it is considered as the reliable avenue through which the Government portrays its image cognizant to which Council approved the execution of one (1) memorandum under the information and communication sector in respect of one (1) of the established employable skills acquisition training institutes established by the current administration in the State. Thus; ▶ Show quoted text Total 4,200,000.00 ▶ Show quoted text SECONDARY SCHOOLS STUDENTS COMPETITION AND AWARD OF PRIZES Council noted the tremendous success recorded during the recently concluded various Senior Secondary Schools Competitions organized nationwide were Kano State Students excelled as follows; National Junior Engineers/Technician competition (JETS) the State Student emerged with the following prizes:- one (1) Gold, one (1) Silver and two (2) Bronze. In the Etisalat U – 15 Football Championship in the Northwest Zone the State Contingent emerged – second (2nd) position. Global Education Partnership – Kano State received $22,000,000.00 of the $100,000,000.00 shared among five (5) States. Donation – the Kano State Government Donated the sum of N250,000.00 to Kano State Students’ Association Kaduna Polytechnic Chapter for its newly Launched Magazine. GRADUATION CEREMONY OF WOMEN AND YOUTHS UNDER THE EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMMES Council acknowledged the successful conduct of the graduation ceremony of the State sponsored Women and Youths trained on different employable skills acquisition under the empowerment programmes (16th December, 2014) at the Government House Kano. Specifically; Four thousand, four Hundred (4,400) Women trained under the second (2nd) Batch Special Family Orientation Programme. One (100) Women Trained in Home Based Trades in Collaboration with Etisalat Communication.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 00:01:17 +0000

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