181 million data in 30 days According to the newspaper stand in - TopicsExpress


181 million data in 30 days According to the newspaper stand in the NSA papers of 9 January this year that the Authority will send daily data from internal Google and Yahoo networks in data centers at NSA headquarters . In the preceding 30 days, then more than 181 million new records had been registered. It had traded at sender and recipient data to content such as text , sound recordings and videos , the newspaper writes. The NSA operate with the British GCHQ an unusually aggressive tool called Muscular that disclosing the data . It differs from a secret court approved Spähprogramm prism , which the U.S. authorities enables direct access to Internet communications across multiple providers. It was not known was that the NSA also routinely foregoing against U.S. companies. You use from here to access links to data centers outside the United States , which legally easier sei.Google as they operate in Ireland , Finland, Belgium, Chile or Singapore. NSA Chief has returned as false report We have no access to Googles servers , Yahoo, servers, and so on , said NSA chief Alexander Shortly after hearing the report on an Internet security conference in Washington. The NSA ll get yourself a court order . There are not millions , its about thousands . And almost all are against terrorism and other such things . Google is one of the biggest critics of the NSA spying. Google demands together with other companies in the Silicon Valley as Yahoo, Facebook and Microsoft to be able to publish more details about intelligence inquiries. The major U.S. Internet companies fear else to lose users. We grant any government, the U.S. government included , access to our systems , said Drummond, chief legal counsel . The same Yahoo also the Washington Post had assured . video.de.msn/opengraph/5o0pnve6?og ... video.de.msn/opengraph/5ok5axg9?og ... video.de.msn/opengraph/5oskqiro?og ... video.de.msn/opengraph/5ohu7hmm?og ... video.de.msn/opengraph/uxuwivt8?og ... video.de.msn/opengraph/2iwag6bfj?o ... The United States is sick - the 11 September 2001, Americas brain Heavily damaged .
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:10:27 +0000

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