#187 I breathed and walked inside the house, slowly. I missed - TopicsExpress


#187 I breathed and walked inside the house, slowly. I missed my home, it always had that warm welcoming feeling whenever i opened the door. Everyone was there eating supper, in the dining area. They looked so happy without me being there. Myabe i was the problem, i shamed them. My heart beated fast as i layed eyes on my mom. I looked at her, he face was calm and nuetral. Which was a good thing than her being mad at me. Me: molweni. Makhulu: ntombi! Sisi: hey. Awusemhle :) . Heard you have a job sana. Me: :) ewe, ndisuka khona nangoku. Makhulu: iza, siyatya. Tete: bendingayazi ba uyeza so andikubekelanga plate. Me: im not hungry. I walked to my room, i sat down and put mt bag ontop of the bed. I took off my shoes and wore my sleepers. It felt so strange being in my room now. I just felt so alone and i missed Nkosi. I felt like crying, well i did cry. It must have been the hormones sana. I rubbed my bump Hai Oluthando, unezinto. Ude undililise nxa ukhumbula utatakho . I took my phonr and dialed his number. It rang and he picked up at the first ring. I wiped my tears. Nkosi: mama. I kept quiet, tears fell down my cheeks. Nkosi: babe are you? Is it the babe? Vuyo! I breathed not wanting to cry. I didnt trust my voice, i knew Nkosi would easily hear that i was crying. I really didnt know what was up. My heart felt so lonely and sad. Me: ndiryt babe, i just miss you qha. Nkosi: is that all? Me: ewe :( . Nkosi: haha maka Olu uyatefa yhu.. I miss you guys too. My friday is so boring without you. Me: then go out tata. Nkosi: without you? Nha. Ndizolala kwaLanga , i have to be fresh for tomorrow aloku. There was a knock on the foor. Me: babe, i have to go nhe. Nkosi: i love you mama. The door swang open, my mom stood by the door, looking at me. Me: me too tata. I hanged up, looking at her as she closed the door behind her and came to sit next to me. Mom: navana notatakho nhe. Me: no tata? I laughed, she must have thought i was talking to dad. Me. Yeah! Nje. Mom: mntanam. Im sorry for how i handled when i found out your pregnant. I just want you to have a good life qha. Without having a baby. Me: i know and im sorry mama ngokuphoxa. I was now crying. Mom: hai kodwa nawe Vuyom couldnt you wait? Lamntana wakwa Miya is old for you. Did he pressurise you to this? Me: hai mama. This was a mistake. I was using contraception, i just dont know what happened nam? :/ :( . Mom: i shouldnt have let you carry on dating namfana. Umntana kaMandisa Vuyo off all guys? Uyayazi asivani. Me: mna mama ndingena phi kengoku? Ndamthanda uNkosi mama. Mom: does he love you? Me: ewe. Mom: batsho bonke baby. Thats a panty dropper aloku. Uzozala his gona look for someone else. Tears threatned my eyes. I thought of Sibu and Lebo :/ :( , ndakhathazeka kengoku. Me: can i experience that ngokwam? I wana make my own mistakes. We both kept queit for a while. Mom: masingathethi ngalento. Yenzekile yenzekile. I dont wana stress your baby. We hugged. We sat there for a while and we chatted. Ebeza about Nkosi , the baby and the job. Mom: his family is coming ngomso, thats why bendifuna ubelapha. I nodded. I just hoped everything goes smoth so that i can see Nkosi without having to hide it. Mom: let me go sleep ke. She left. I got up and changed into p.js and got ined. Ndive ndivuswa nguCash, i rubbed my eyes. Cash: mtase home :) :) . Why ungatsho uzoba nomntana? Me: really Cash? Undivusela lowey qha -_- :( ? Cash: ewe mfondini :) :) . Me: phuma -_- . Cash: what :)? Me: phuma funa ulala tshini. He left, haha unjani nalomntana? I took my phone, checking the time, it was around 10 . I covered myself and fell asleep. Ndive kukhala iphone, from an unknown number. I answered it. Me: hello? The caller didnt speak . All i could hear was the breathing and the moaning. The was soft music playing in the back ground. A girls voice kepting moaning Ah! Ah! Nko . My phone slipped from my hands, i was shocked. Whos this? How could Nkosi do this to me? How does he sleep around ndimithi? And all that ill watch movies and i miss you guys was just a lie. How could he do this to me? To us? Again.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 16:48:29 +0000

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