19/03/2014, Wednesday, 12.25 am k.p. - TopicsExpress


19/03/2014, Wednesday, 12.25 am k.p. 5588561 Frm:- The Desk of teng2 c/o BUKIT AMAN, THE MALAYSIAN ARMY (ATM) THE MALAYSIAN MARINE (ATL) THE MALAYSIAN AIR FORCE (c/o KLIA NAVIGATIONS) RE: THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS (KDN) As through the Radiations, I still hear dissatisfactions of my contributions, please just note the followings where The World Armies can participate:- c/o Connections & Networks Beneficial To Peaceful Orders in Trainings Harmony of The World (RE: kweeting Sam (SIU-C, Ill., USA):- TITLES (c/o GOOGLE) 1. THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA 2. The Malaysia American Co-Educational Exchange 3. The Association of Retired Police and Soldier Officers of Malaysia (RE: Sir FOO ENG CHUAN) 4. The Royal Police of Malaysia, (PDRM), BUKIT AMAN, Malaysia (c/o The Foo Family of Malacca, RE: FOO & CO) 5. Ministry of SPORTS & YOUTH, Putrajaya, Malaysia (RE: MP of REMBAU, N.S, The Minister, KHAIRY JAMALUDDIN) 6. MR MURBARAK ALI, an Afghan, recently arrived to study Sociology & Anthropology, please write to him at:- c/o (Ms) K.t SAM (Enviromental Department) THE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (FSSK) THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIA (UKM) UKM Bangi SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN MALAYSIA Notes:- I met Mr Murbarak at the Bus Stand at The Komutor Train Station. I somehow, now as remember, I had a conversation with him with infront of a New Yorker (about 7 inches tall), whom three of us became instance friends. The New Yorker, whose name I could not recall, was an English teacher. He was leaving NY soon. I cant remember if he has given me his contact or not. As for my contact for him, I just asked him to refer to MACEE. They (MACEE) already knew me inside and out, since I participated in The AFS Application when I was 17 in 1977. Some mishandling of my message for him defaults as the name and contact (Above) of Mr Murbarak Ali I wrote on a paper to give it to him, was later found to be me having it kept on my part later on when both of them dispersed from me. Was it the radiations? That made me missed the page or (.....) or I later rejected to the paper where his name was written on it due to some important notes at the back of the papers (of relating to Telecom Malaysia notes, typed). Whatever, it had been, (DAEMON), our instance friendships was clinched with happiness as I was so amazed by our unusual togetherness when I asked The New Yorker, Where is your Rifle/(gun?)...? and he was not prepared to know what I was referring to when he said, Huh?.......or something in puzzlement, so we had handshake greetings for one another. (ALLAH), (My Heaven!), (GOD), our Almighties were so great! In my heart, (DAEMON), I really could not believe that peaceful scene was in The KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU (KTM) as THE BACKGROUND OF THE HIGH MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS OF AFGANISTAN NO BLOODSHEDS, NO FIGHTINGS, THEREFORE NO WARS, except MY RUSSIAN HANDSHAKES FOR THEM!!! @_@... Now, after, going through so much, tensions late nights in trying to contradict the rascals contradictories of my so-called Existence, seemingly, I lost their contacts completeely. Yes, write to Mr Murbarak Ali. I should think the postal service needs to be pampered after all these IT functions. He is such a cute person, not of Arabian looking those sort. I would classify him like someone of a Caucasian + Mongolian mixed. In some face movements, he looked somewhat of a of those Taiwan or Japanese aborogines types. k. too long winded... happy... @_@... * For the time now, take care. I need to catch up at some other family affairs. If not, my fathers temper wont stop to yell - since my mother deceased. WRITE to you, later. thanks. kweeting Sam (SIU-C, Illinois).
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:22:08 +0000

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