19. Mandatory Observations during sadhana Often sadhakas - TopicsExpress


19. Mandatory Observations during sadhana Often sadhakas are found to be engaged in sadhanas by trying to concentrate on desires of doing some special kriya, meditation on some gods image, chanting mantras with or without beads etc. It means simply not to allow kriyashakti( guru-given energy) the opportunity to act. Let it be remembered that nothing has to be done by the sadhaka during sadhana and only guru-given mantra may be uttered and that too is not mandatory. The most important thing is kriya and if the mind concentrates on it, kriya increases and japa or mantrajapa may be done only after the kriya has stopped. This is because japa is only memory and stopping kriya for japa is prohibited. 20. Causes of Diversity in Experiences Often a sadhaka begins to doubt; and he asks why something particular experienced by another has not been experienced by him yet. This happens to be so because of differences in nature, karma accumulated in the past and the samskaras and also because some sadhakas may be devotional type, some knowledge oriented, some hathayoga minded, some karmayoga oriented and others some type of sadhana oriented; and that is why, their inner activities and experiences will differ. In connection with this, it is to be understood that importance is to be given to continuity of sadhana by placing the responsibility of this mystery on kriya energy and the more the surrender the more progress is attainable in a shorter time. 21. Effects of Thoughts on sadhana After one has started sadhana, as soon as kriya starts due to gurukripa, many thoughts of good and bad start coming up. This happens as a result of samskaras (impressions) and also because of inherent natural trigunas (three attributes) in the antahkaran. As long as samskaras do not decrease or become less and the sadhaka does not transcend trigunas, there remains the probability of thoughts and visions coming up like these. Sadhakas often get anxious and try to fight with thoughts or try to eliminate them by force. But the sadhaka must keep this in his mind that mahayoga is the path of surrender. It is better to chant guru-given mantra in such cases but it is not necessary to get rid of vriti (tendency) by force. One can continue japa till that moment when physical and psychological activities have not started yet. Sometimes one gets a mantra from shakti and this means, in the momentum of kriya some mantra, name, verse etc get uttered or expressed spontaneously. If a mantra is got spontaneously in this manner, that does not mean that the sadhaka should forget the guru-given mantra. Whatever mantra happens to come during kriya, sadhakas must always resort to guru-given mantra for japa. One more thing is that the appearance of thoughts may also be sadhana itself and its function is to cleanse samskaras hidden in the antahkaran.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 15:06:34 +0000

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