19 March 2014 Z, Moon & more deceit For the last three nights - TopicsExpress


19 March 2014 Z, Moon & more deceit For the last three nights I have gone outside to “talk” to the moon….NOTHING….every night I go with anticipation to connect with this celestial body….she is beautiful and full and “dead”. The stars around her jump around in joy and laughter and call out to me saying …here I am…here I am….but not the moon. After the last contact with Z and Z trying to give me “vision” to see something I needed to see regarding the moon, I did some research to get a better grasp on what the moon is and in doing so it always gives me a point of reference to start contact with Z to expand from….. I watched the hour long YouTube clip youtube/watch?v=0pLTa9VyKXE from David Icke. What a revelation…it all started to fall into place….the fact that I could not sleep at full moon’s…that I always had an increase of humming in my ears and vibrations through my entire body…..I came to the conclusion that the moon is not a celestial body…sad but that is my feeling…I went to bed and as always I knew that in dream state a lot will be revealed. I woke at 5am with an energy right next to me sitting on the edge of the bed…it was Z, and a very pleasant energy as the information and confirmation regarding the moons function was distressing. I welcomed Z in my half asleep state but higher dimensionally I was awake in a flash. I am still in bed lying on my stomach communicating with Z…my physical being goes in and out of different states of consciousness/dimensions. This contact has taken place over 3 hours…I know I fell asleep in between, in those times I received information downloads regarding the capabilities to view the inside of the moon…… according to Z E: ….is it true the moon is not a celestial body? Z: I am afraid so dear friend…it is a controlling body…empty, with mind altering technology inside to control beings…(I see flat plates of some type of steel many of them all along the inside walls of the moon…reminds me of a car’s radiator just way bigger that was all I was able to view)….that is what you need to see…the reason for me supplying the specific program to raise your consciousness to a very unusual frequency, so you can see what is going on in the inside of the moon. The moon has a vibratory field surrounding it so no beings are able to penetrate and remote view and sees really what is inside. There are few that have the capability to view the inside of the moon. It is paramount that this become knowledge to the awaken, as they are being controlled and not fully able to see many magical things on planet earth as well off planet earth. Even you are not able to see these things thanks to the moon control. But enough said…you need to see the inside and understand the influence and learn how to avoid the influence of the moon on all eartlings. E: So…..there is a way to counteract the “influence” ? Z: Yes….. There are many different technologies to balance or counteract this frequency influence. You have to view it and understand it, so it can be explained to the awaken. E:I drift into sleepstate…..Poor Z…he stays by my side whilst I sleep. I come into a semi state of awake and asked wether he wants to know something more about human emotions Z: Yes please E: I just had a negative emotion called depression….That came from the moon influence thought….and I said to him I will not be teaching negative emotions…as quick as the depression feeling came it went…..I will teach you about…..I cannot remember what emotion we expanded upon but he was very excited and really enjoyed it….the rest of the contact is becoming hazy as I am recording. But the amazing thing was that he sat with me the whole time from 5 am – 8am when I got up to take my doggy for a whee. I am very curious to see in detail the inside of the moon…I know this will happen within the next few days. I went on FB and noticed all the people meditating at full moon and praising the moon etc It really concerned me and I wondered if this is waste of good intended energy …Z came into consciousness at that point and informed me that it is a good thing as the moon is full, the projection of love and goodwill does counteract the moons influence on people up to a point….they should focus on projecting their energy toward the planet earth and its inhabitants rather than to project toward the moon. Energy projected toward the moon is wasted energy… That is all
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:41:59 +0000

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