19 May 1912 Abdu’l-Bahá Talks at Church of the Divine - TopicsExpress


19 May 1912 Abdu’l-Bahá Talks at Church of the Divine Paternity Central Park West, New York "Religions are many, but the reality of religion is one. The days are many, but the sun is one. The fountains are many, but the fountainhead is one. The branches are many, but the tree is one. The foundation of the divine religions is reality; were there no reality, there would be no religions. ...Reality is one; it does not admit multiplicity or division. Reality is as the sun, which shines forth from different dawning points; it is as the light, which has illumined many lanterns. Therefore, if the religions investigate reality and seek the essential truth of their own foundations, they will agree and no difference will be found. But inasmuch as religions are submerged in dogmatic imitations, forsaking the original foundations, and as imitations differ widely, therefore, the religions are divergent and antagonistic. These imitations may be likened to clouds which obscure the sunrise; but reality is the sun. If the clouds disperse, the Sun of Reality shines upon all, and no difference of vision will exist. The religions will then agree, for fundamentally they are the same. The subject is one, but predicates are many. The divine religions are like the progression of the seasons of the year. When the earth becomes dead and desolate and because of frost and cold no trace of vanished spring remains, the springtime dawns again and clothes everything with a new garment of life. ... The divine Prophets are as the coming of spring, each renewing and quickening the teachings of the Prophet Who came before Him. ...."
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 12:57:49 +0000

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