1945 Rain poured onto the battlefield. Boots splashed through the - TopicsExpress


1945 Rain poured onto the battlefield. Boots splashed through the muddy puddles as Red Army troops combated the Wehrmacht, blood soaked the earthen soil once again as it had for centuries before. Russian Aircraft descended from the skies, opening up on their targets with their 20mm cannons. German casualties piled up, for they had nothing but bolt action rifles, and only handful of MP40s held by their squad and platoon leaders, the Russians had whatever they’d picked off German corpses due to shortages in supply. With the oncoming Soviet fighters in addition to the masses of Red Army troops; their defense line was not even near to 400 men, and they were spread much too thin, allowing the Soviets to break them like twigs. Yes, the German army outgunned them 10 to one but they lacked the man power and would eventually be overrun. The Whermacht still held their ground despite this fact and died in the positions in which they were defending. As their Fuehrer told his people, “God the Almighty has made our nation. By defending its existence we are defending His work,” Germans had to fight to the death to defend the Fatherland. The Propaganda would mark their deaths as heroic ones when really they died for nothing but an ideology a hopeless cause for world domination, perpetrated by a sadistic dictator whose vicious orders led his armies to rape and murder their way across Europe and the Soviet Union alike, just as the Empire of Japan had done in Eastern Asia. But this evil was soon to be destroyed, never to rise again. 1972 The warfront has escalated to a new disaster, a new threat. A possibility of the world’s end by both Soviet and US Nuclear ICBMs that were being stockpiled and tested frequently, all in which have successfully proved to be able to wipe out entire countries. Destroying billions of lives, in a flaming mushroom cloud, stretched out for miles and miles, taking out anything in its fiery grasp. Constant military exercises have been put in place due to the storm of war. The whole world sits in fear waiting to see what will happen, if their life might suddenly end in a flash of bright light, incinerating them into ash and at the same time worrying about the fighting in the country of Vietnam, casualties are high and the American forces still haven’t been able to make any significant victories, and the Viet Cong, the “freedom fighters” seem to be winning. It was quite clear to the public. Many questioned why the US was even involved in that country when we were only fighting to prevent an ideology, communism, from being advocated. Ho Chi Min was not as evil as people think. He lived in the US, was well educated and promoted Civil Rights. Min just lived upon a different ideology and that was communism, someone is not bad just because of an ideology, it’s what they do that is. Capitalism is no different, how do you explain the abuses and massacres of innocents in Vietnam done by our own, allowed by our own, then ignored and denied like nothing had ever happened.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 09:33:47 +0000

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