1958 Documents Link Chemtrails to Trimethyaluminum in Jet Fuel - TopicsExpress


1958 Documents Link Chemtrails to Trimethyaluminum in Jet Fuel 19 Since 1958 many new chemicals have been added to all types of jet fuel. Some of them remain classified in the interests of for “national security” (of course). No doubt that in the 1990’s new tank designs and fuel additives allowed TMA to be added to jet aviation fuels with far less risk than implied in the Lewis Flight Propulsion Labs report. Chemtrails Produced by Aviation Fuel Laced With Trimethylaluminum? As an additive to aviation fuel, trimethyaluminum (TMA) is easily capable of producing long white trails of aluminum oxide aerosols – aka Chemtrails aka Climate Engineering. The video provides an important analysis of Geoengineer, David Kieth’s comments concerning the preferred use of “alumina” as the compound most effectively sprayed by jet aircraft in order to mitigate global warming. The term “alumina” refers to aluminum oxide – the most dangerous form of the heavy metal to human and plant life. It’s important to make the distinction that drinking soda from a lined aluminum can is nowhere near the infinitely higher health risk of breathing, inhaling or otherwise ingesting aluminum oxide suspended in the atmosphere as it falls from a sky full of aluminized jet aircraft aerosols. We attempt to explain the physics of how jet fuel can be formulated to actually contain aluminum in the form of trimethylaluminum in order to spray aluminum oxide aerosols that originate directly from additives already in the jet fuel. This could explain how aerosol spraying is achieved without the wide use of special “black ops” airports where tons of aluminum compounds are covertly loaded aboard “chemtrail” aircraft . Instead, the military and their contractors simply fill the aircraft tanks from a fuel source available at the many military, civilian and even private airports located around the world. Although aviation fuel laced with TMA is not conventional JP-4 fuel, the installation of numerous TMA fuel sources can be easily standardized at airport locations worldwide. Here’s why: The melting point of Aluminum is 660 deg C. while the combustion chamber in a 747 engine is over 1,800 deg C. This combination would cause any aluminum in the fuel supply to vaporize on combustion and for a while longer as it exits the engine exhaust as thrust. The vaporized aluminum remains transparent and is not immediately visible as a telltale white streak due to the unavailability of oxygen to allow the aluminum vapor to transform into its final stage as aluminum oxide. Observers are understandably confused when the temporary “invisibility” of the actual chemtrail mimics the appearance of a normal contrail. Then, when the aluminum oxide trail finally turns white and continues for miles, the numerous agents of disinformation can easily claim that the trails are no more than “persistent contrails”.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:31:58 +0000

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