1960, October 9: Mowlana Shah Karim opened colloquium organised by - TopicsExpress


1960, October 9: Mowlana Shah Karim opened colloquium organised by Punjab University Students Union, on Present Day Studentss Problems; announced award of five post-graduate scholarships for one-year study in Europe. 1979, October 9: Closing Remarks given by Mowlana Shah Karim at the Fourth Architectural Awards seminar in Fez, Morocco. 1998, October 9, : Winners of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture have been presented with their prizes at a ceremony at the Alhambra Palace, in Grenada, Spain. The event was covered by the BBC. Acording to the Nation correspondant, the ceremony took place in the presence of the King and Queen of Spain and the Aga Khan and the Begum Aga Khan. According to the Press Release, addressing culture ministers, diplomats, architects, planners and civic dignitaries in the Generalife gardens in the presence of King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia of Spain, the Aga Khan spoke during the ceremony held Friday, October 9 to announce the winners of the Seventh Cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. In his speech, The Aga Khan said: The search started by the Aga Khan Award for Architecture twenty years ago will continue. It will remain committed to learning and sharing what is learned. Although its focus is Islamic societies, its quest is to develop knowledge and understanding that is outward looking and universal in nature. Herbert Muschamp of the New York Times says The Aga Khan is also the most important figure in the world of architecture today. - The Aga Khan Awards for architecture prove that not only fashionable work by media-savvy designers is worthy of serious accolades. The most striking project among the recent winners is a hospital for lepers that the patients built themselves writes Trevor Boody in the Globe and Mail. As usual, Point de Vue gave the best photos with the article on its October 14th issue. (see also below in the photo section). The French magazine Oh La! dated 15 october gave 4 pages of exceptionnal photos of the event. A vivid description of the whole event was given in British Independant. India has bagged three of the seven Aga Khan Awards for Architecture for 1998 said The Times of India News Service 2002, October 9: TORONTO (Reuters) - Aga Khan Plans Islamic Art Museum in Toronto. The Aga Khan, the billionaire spiritual leader of the worlds 15 million Ismaili Muslims, will build the English-speaking worlds biggest Islamic art museum and cultural center in Toronto after plans to buy a site in London failed, a spokesman said on Tuesday. The Aga Khan Development Network, one of the charitable institutions and businesses headed by the Aga Khan, said the museum would house artifacts from renowned private collections including those of the Aga Khan and of the Institute of Ismaili Studies in London. [More Reuters] [Canada Newswire] [Times] [Independent UK] [China Daily] [National Post] [AKDN Press Release] [Globe And Mail] [CNW] 2002, October 9: SKARDU (APP) - A sum of Rs. 8.5 million has been provided to set up a water channel in order to supply contamination-free water to the residents of Saksa, a locality in Skardu district by Aga Khan Rulal support programme (AKRSP), AKRSP sources told APP here. The sources said the scheme was launched some twenty years back which was stopped due to some political wrangling and now all the bottlenecks have been removed. The water channel has the potential to irrigate thousands of barren land. The work on this project has been started and hoped that it would be completed within stipulated time, the sources said. [The Frontier Post, Pakistan] 2004, October 09: Gouvieux, France - The Secretariat of His Highness the Aga Khan confirms that His Highness and his wife have been separated for more than 18 months and are currently living apart. The Aga Khan filed for divorce in France four months ago. [More] [Point de Vue]
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 08:15:31 +0000

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