1985: Walking down the school corridor between lessons. Need the - TopicsExpress


1985: Walking down the school corridor between lessons. Need the toilet. The Headmaster is standing outside the toilet doorway chatting to a teacher. Excuse me Sir Headmaster glances down and snaps Not between lessons! and carries on talking, making no attempt to move out the way. I go to walk off. Suddenly find myself being yanked backwards and forcibly turned around. Look up to see the Headmaster glaring at me. DONT screw your face up at me boy! Stand there!!! He makes me stand facing the wall for 5 minutes until hes finished talking to the teacher. He then asks if I really need to go and magnanimously lets me use the toilet but only after saying I have to come and see him after school to explain why I didnt piss at break time. 2014: Im chatting to a teacher at a High School in Leamington about my anti-bullying book The Catastrophe of the Emerald Queen and the possibility of coming in to chat with some of the students about it. The kids are in the corridor between lessons. A boy says Excuse me Sir! to the teacher blocking his way who moves to one side smiles and says Hello Matthew and then carries on talking to me. Former Priory Hall Headmaster Bernard Crowther, you really were a cunt werent you. Please live long enough to see my book 6 of 1 be published so you can read just how much of a vile piece of shit you were.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 16:58:31 +0000

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