1992 03 15 - Satsang with Robert Adams ~ Happy Birthday Paul Ellis - TopicsExpress


1992 03 15 - Satsang with Robert Adams ~ Happy Birthday Paul Ellis Self-Inquiry Takes Care of Everything- 15th March, 1992 Robert: Good afternoon. Only one part of you Kerema is here, where is the other half? (laughter) Missing in action. Its good to be with you once again. I dont know why? (laughter) But its good to be here to see your smiling faces and share this nonsense with you. The nonsense that you were never born. You have always existed. You never die. You are you, the ineffable you. That has always been and always be. You never will cease to be. All of the world that goes around you is simply an emanation of your mind. You have created all these things for your play. Yet you exist. Who exists? What are you? Some people say Im a spirit. Other people say Im a God. Other people say Im immortal. But what are you really? Find out for yourself. I wont tell you. Find out what you are. What youre doing here on this planet. What your purpose in life is. Find out. Ive become aware that many of you are practicing many forms of sadhana. Some of you are following the Pitanjalis Yoga sutras where you regulate your life. You get up at a certain time. You spend so many hours sleeping. You take a cold shower. You sit in medi- tation for a couple of hours. You do mantras, pranayama, breathing. You help the home- less. You have a positive attitude. Is all this necessary? The question arises if youre practicing self-inquiry do you need to do these things also? The answer is yes and no. For the mature soul self-inquiry suffices. For by doing self- inquiry all these other things will come by themselves. You will do what youre supposed to do, spiritual practices, whatever, will happen of their own accord when you practice self-inquiry. Self-inquiry does not have to be regulated in any way. You may practice at any time, when youre working, when youre driving the car, when youre washing the dishes. Through self-inquiry the mind becomes still and quiet, subdued. You do not have to medi- tate. You do not have to do mantras, if youre doing self-inquiry. That takes care of every- thing. But, some of us are not really doing self-inquiry, then we have to do these other things, then we have to regulate our life. Do not think that if you do absolutely nothing you will advance and become self-realized. You have to do one method or the other, to- tally subdue the senses and the body and the thoughts. That is what its all about. The ego disappearing. The thoughts becoming weaker. Until they no longer tell you what is right or what is wrong or what is good or what is bad. Until they no longer regulate your life by telling you youre happy or youre sad according to what happens in the world. In accordance with how someone reacts to you. You find when youre practicing self-inquiry it doesnt make a bit of difference whats going on in your life. For your life — you begin to understand — has always been the ego. It hasnt really been your life. It has been the egos life all of these years. When certain conditions and situations came into your life and you reacted to them, this has been the egos life, the egos joy. The egos been playing with you. And you have believed all of these years this world has something to offer you. Something to give you, something for you to react to. Now youre beginning to understand that within you is the power. You are That! All of the freedom, all of the joy, all the happiness, all of the love, everything youre search- ing for, you are. You have always been that. Yet you have been looking for it in the external world. And you still do, most of you. You allow this world to tell you how you feel. You read about a recession and you begin to believe that jobs are hard to get. Its hard to make a living. That belief alone will make it that way. But for whom is there a recession? For the ego not for you. If you investigate all these things youll see this is true. During the great depression in 1929 people became multimillionaires. They became very wealthy while most of the people were starv- ing to death. They didnt have any money. That is how it is today. Conditions, situations are given to you faster than any time before. You just turn on the TV and you hear what is going on all over the world. And you react. You feel it. You apply this to yourself. Having the power that you do, the application of these negative traits to yourself causes you to be one of the bunch. One of the people who suffer. And so you suffer because you believe there is not enough, you believe things are bad, you feel something is wrong somewhere, accordingly you bring it upon yourself. We have to stop doing these things. We have to turn to the power that knows the way, God, the Self, consciousness. And we have to merge in this consciousness. We have to give up our egos and the thoughts. Totally surrender to the one. Total surrender, give everything up, mentally, in your mind. Then you become free. Then happiness is always emanating from you. You be- come a living embodiment of happiness, total joy. You do not really become anything. The ego just becomes less and less. Automatically your real nature comes out. There should be no thing in this world or any other world that can disturb you. There should be no situation that can cause you pain. There should be noone who can tell you anything that you will react to. To become this way you have to turn within. And no matter how many times I say this to you some of you still turn without. Youre looking at conditions to determine how youre going to feel and what youre going to do with your life. You cannot do this. You are the one that has always been and will always be. There is no other one beside you. That one has nothing to do with your body or your ego or your mind. That one is effortless pure awareness. You are that one without another. Yet you are still going around believing youre a man, youre a woman, youre a person, youre a body, youre a mind, why do you believe this? Because the world shows you this. Where did the world come from? Where did the universe come from? Does the world or the universe exist when youre sleeping? When youre in deep sleep there is no world there is no universe. When you dream you dream of another world, another uni- verse. Yet you realize it comes from you. But in deep sleep there is no dream, there is no other universe and there is no this universe. In deep sleep there is a void. Who experiences the void. There has to be an experi- encer of the void or there would not be a void. This answers the question that some of you have that think that you have to get into the void and that is it. And then theyre self- realized, on the contrary. As long as there is somebody who experiences a void you are not totally free. You have to find out who the experiencer is, that is seeing a void. It is the ex- periencer that illumines the void. So that youre able to see the void. It comes from the Self which is your real nature. So again when youre asleep nothing exists. Your troubles do not annoy you, conditions do not bother you. There is absolutely nothing going on when you are asleep. That is why many people like to sleep so much. For that is the only time they find peace. Yet this is not the answer. You are beyond sleep, beyond the void, beyond experiences, beyond everything. That place cannot be explained. You have to arrive there yourself. The silence is your true home. Beyond words, beyond thoughts, beyond experi- ences, beyond manifestations. Silence! Silence is your real nature. In your everyday experiences try not to talk too much. Think of all the words you have uttered since you were born. All of the statements, quotations, remarks, words of anger, words of happiness. All the words that have come out of you since you were born. Billions of words. Has it done you any good? What have all these words done for you? Now think what wouldve happened if you have never uttered a word in your life. Would you be better off? When your mind is going full speed its like speaking words there is no difference. There are many people who go away to retreats that become monks or nuns. They go live in the forest or in a cave, yet their mind is just as strong as it always was. Which means its not doing them any good. It is better to be in a market place and have a quiet mind than to live in a holy place and have a chattering mind. This is why it doesnt matter where you go or where you live. For wherever you go you have to bring your mind with you. All of the thoughts of the past, the fears, the frustrations all this goes with you. Destroy your mind and see if you want to go anywhere. Transcend the mind and then see if you have the desire to move to a holy place, so-called or to go anywhere at all. It is the mind that keeps telling you to go to this place and to go to that place, to read this book and to read that book. If there was no mind who would read the books? Who would have desires? Who would need to do anything? Yet again you will always appear to do something. Many of you still tell me that youre afraid to stop the mind. For you fear youll be in limbo and youll become a raving idiot. Nothing like this ever happens. For when your mind is quieted the Self takes over and you will find that you are in your right place doing those things that you were meant to do. You are happy, peaceful, that all is well. Go beyond thoughts, beyond words. Do not attempt to analyze anything. Be your- self, observe your feelings, your breath, your thoughts. Notice how everything slows down. Notice how time slows down when your thoughts slow down. Just observe your- self, do not fight yourself, do not attempt to change anything. Just watch, intelligently, effortlessly. (long silence as Robert begins again) Its time to play stump the guru. Pass the stumps. (laughter) Q: (Robert reads) When the mind is quiet without a thought, there is bliss, peace and many insights that come and go but full realization is still elusive though its right in front of me. This last act of surrender is so subtle it seems impossible, please give some guidance. A: (Robert answers) You always have to realize, For who is it impossible? For whom is it subtle? These are all words that come from your mind. This is what weve been talking about. You have to drop all the words. All the beliefs all the thoughts. If reali- zation is your real nature there cannot be anything that can stop it from happening. It is only you who believe that you have to go so far and its harder after that. This is not true. There is no where you have to go, there is nothing you have to do, just be your- self. And you will come to the conclusion that youre already that. These terms that you use, (Robert rereads) the last act of surrender is so subtle it seems impossible, please give some guidance. There is no last act. You have those thoughts in your mind that you can only go so far before you get stuck someplace and you cannot go any further. Drop that! Do not allow your mind to think about that. Act as if youre already there. Q: (Robert reads) How is it that some Jnanis teach and some Jnanis never become involved in teaching? A: (Robert answers) This is Prarabdha karma this has nothing to do with anything. It is the Prarabdha karma that tells you what youre going to do. (SL: Whats that word prarabdhic?) That means the karma that is coming to you from previous lives. (SL: Prarabdhic?) Prarabdha. It is this that decides what the body is going to do on this earth. R: Some Jnanis do nothing but stay in a cave or stay by themselves. Others go into the world and do teachings and do many things. Originally I was going to live in Oregon in a shack. I never dreamed Id be doing this what Im doing now. But I have nothing to say about this. It just unfolds the way it unfolds. So discover for yourself the truth about you and then see who asks that question. But it is the karma that decides what the body is going to do and what its not going to do. That is the appearance, that is how it looks. Remember in the ultimate reality nobody is doing anything. There is no thing taking place. But in the world of appearances it appears that some Jnanis do this, some Jnanis do that. Do not concern yourself with these things. Find out the truth for yourself, go within and see where you are and then you will know what is going on everywhere. Q: (Robert reads) Please clarify: What does giving up mentally mean? Hershey bar. A: (Robert answers) Giving up mentally is giving up all desires that comes into your mind. Giving up the things that keep you back. As an example: If you inherit thirty- million dollars it doesnt mean to be spiritual you have to give it away or get rid of it but it means mentally youre not attached to it. Mentally you are free. Another example: If you have a disease, it makes no difference what is gong on in your body. Mentally youre not attached to it. Mentally you leave it alone. Wherever you happen to be in your life. Whether youre in Los Angeles or in India or in Africa or in China, makes no difference where you are but mentally you may feel this is right, this is wrong, I shouldnt be here, I should be here. It is these thoughts that have to go. The thoughts have to be given up. The thoughts have to be surrendered. The thoughts that this is right, that this is wrong and this is good and this is bad, this is this way and this is that way. The thoughts have to go. Wherever your body finds itself you are in your right place it makes no difference where the body finds itself. But mentally do not react to it. Surren- der the thoughts. Surrender the mind and that is how you become free. What you see with your senses, with your eyes is an illusion. Nothing appears as it does. Nothing is as it appears. It is the mind that has to be transcended. The condition doesnt matter. The condition is karmic. The mind has to go. SM: Thats it Robert. (Referring to question box) SF: Is there another way of saying the same thing as what you just said, Dont claim anything? R: If you like that say it. Do it! Dont claim anything enjoy it but dont claim it as yours. It doesnt belong to you, nothing belongs to you, you are free, totally unattached. Anyone have anything to say or forever hold your peace. Do we have any announcements? SM: Another transcript to be passed out. This is number 60, Love, Compassion and Humility and I have five copies to hand out. R: Remember to take life easy. Do not struggle in the world. There is nothing against you. Nothing wants to hurt you. All is well. Until we meet again Thursday night, go in peace. Om Shanti (tape ends) [TOC]
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:04:39 +0000

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