19th August 1944: day 19 of 63... The Germans begin a general - TopicsExpress


19th August 1944: day 19 of 63... The Germans begin a general offensive on the Old Town. Ten infantry battalions and two minesweeper assault battalions supported with substantial amount of heavy equipment are brought in. In the City Centre, insurgents leave the region of the Warsaw University of Technology after one day of fighting. AK units from Kampinos Forest and Kabacki Forest reach Warsaw, sustaining heavy losses. [slightly edited. MS.] Source of text: warsawuprising/paper/day_by_day.htm >>>>> An interesting little snippet which surfaced this morning - take a look, though I should warn those not of the Polish persuasion that the video is mainly [of course] in the language of that far away country of which we know nothing... fakty.tvn24.pl/ogladaj-online,60/wzieli-slub-podczas-powstania-warszawskiego-wlasnie-obchodza-rocznice,460112.html Powstańcza miłość, która przetrwała do dzisiaj Love which began during the Uprising, and continues to this day W trakcie powstania warszawskiego statystycznie każdego dnia odbywały się śluby. Czasem zawierane pod wpływem impulsu i chwili, czasem pobierali się młodzi ludzie, którzy bali się, że mogą nie przeżyć, nie zdążyć. Statistically, a wedding took place on every day of the Uprising. Sometimes they took place on the impulse of the moment, sometimes because the young couple were afraid that they would not survive - that they would not manage to marry in time.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:17:21 +0000

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