1Chronicles 16:11 says Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his - TopicsExpress


1Chronicles 16:11 says Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. We sin, we fall, we get up in the name of Jesus with mud on our faces, and many times we fall as a result of no fault of our own. Suffering is no respector of age, of race or position - every prayer gets answered but the hardest one to say is oh Lord, not mine, but Your will be done. I know what it is like to lose just about every single thing but a child - and I have dear friends that have, one I keep in mind particular, and I realize, there is no loss suffered greater than that of someone we love with all our souls. I know never to say what next Lord. I have not fought for Brandi because I am good, ask her yourself, I definitely am far from it - I can get downright dirty and ugly. I have stood and reached reached out to you for her because she is at the top of my list of family, not that we rank who we love, but God has allowed us to travel through this life together, as sisters, to be strength for each other beyond time and distance. We can try to be as good as we can, work with all our might, build the lives we dream of - but at the end of the day nothing lasts but that which is the Foundation of God Himself and I have learned the hard way, that is only each other. Nothing else matters, nothing else will last. Think of 911- that day no matter where we were, no matter the differences, no matter our opinions we stood together as one supporting each other. That is how it should always be. Many of us here know and love Brandi, others inspired by who she is, her character, love and personality obvious by the immeasurable encouragement and prayers for her - her positive outlook brings joy out of those she meets and she has no idea - as much as Blake and I try to explain her sunshine to her she doesnt get it - which makes it even more genuine and precious - its a gift from God and she is a gift from God - a living miracle for all of us to see. Proof that God still loves us, His promises are true, and as we cheer Brandi on through this struggle together, as we pray that God show her these things and her pain not has not been in vain for the glory of Jesus who suffered to save us. How He has used her story, her suffering to bring so many together, to bring forth an urgency in prayer from within ourselves prayjng together, and showing us the power of prayer - that He answers prayers of those who come together in His name. Proving to us His promises are true and He blesses those who love Him like precious Brandi does. I know what its like to be angry with God and feel the enemy trying to steal faith and hope. But God uses things to bring that back in us. My prayer is that Brandi see how God has used this to bless the lives of others and bring them closer to God, renew faith and revival, an excitement and appreciation for the greatness God can do - there is no explanation why she is alive, Brandi is a 100% testament of God, prayer and the love of others. I know God will bless her life beyond what she has endured going through this in ways she never thought could be a blessing, thats what Ive learned through my own trials and I know many of you have as well. I pray her pain and struggle is gone and the renewed strength begins. The support for her, for each other, the encouragement, the prayers - thats what its all about, not any individual goodness, favor or recognition, certainly not my own. Togetherness in love - to God be the glory great things He hath done, so loved He the world that He gave us His son, oh come to the Father through Jesus the son and give Him the glory great things He hath done. Thank You father for Brandi and using her to brig us together - continue proving Your miracles and love through her!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:15:38 +0000

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