1Peter5:7 Casting all your cares(distractions/civilian affairs/ - TopicsExpress


1Peter5:7 Casting all your cares(distractions/civilian affairs/ cares of life that choke the Word/ weaknesses)upon Him; for he careth for you. God is SOOOOOOOO much more than Santa Claus, a doctor or a shoulder to cry on. Can we go to God with or problems????? Of course....who else would we turn to?? BUT......It is what happens after we bring our crap to Him that is often misunderstood. Simply stated: its always a trade or an exchange. Beauty for ashes. Faith(Christ) for fear. Peace for despair. Strength for weakness. We all have some type of comfort level in life. Our flesh being comfortable is never whats best 4 us. It is not even what we need. BEING IN CHRIST IS ALL WE NEED..... Some where along the way we learned that when the storms of life threatened our beach front home...that we need to cry out to God to make the storm pass us over. Everything would be ok if our home is spared. Our home being threatened by a storm is never the problem. THE REAL PROBLEM IS: that our home is on a beach!!!! U know.......sandy land. It is the same way with our lives in the world. Some where along the way we learned that if we are productive members of society and if we have health and no financial troubles or no relational issues ........ that we are doing ok. Then when WE THINK a storm is coming; we pray to God and ask Him to fix it. WHEN I SAY ASK HIM TO FIX IT I MEAN: asking God to put things back the way they were before the threat (or before the storm hit). IN OTHER WORDS.......to make Adam comfortable again. God is faithful. He intends to put things back the way they were. He intends to restore all that was lost. He is putting things back the way they were....... WAY BACK>>>>>when Christ formed us and knew us in Him.......BEFORE THE FOUNDATIONS OF THIS WICKED WORLD. God is NOT making a better Adam. Adam represents the home that we built. The homes that we built were condemned(by God) before construction began. God is killing Adam. God is resurrecting us into new creations(homes/edifices) in Christ(creations who are in this world....... but are not of this world). The trouble is not a wayward child. The trouble is not a failing marriage. The trouble is not infertility. The trouble is not a life threatening illness. The trouble is not being over your head in debt/bills. The trouble is not being 35 and still not married. The trouble is not people disliking you because you go to church. The trouble is not someone else at work wants the same position you want. The trouble is not a snow storm that prevents everyone from being home for that holiday gathering. The trouble is not a sudden death of a loved one. The trouble is not ..... you not getting what you think you want. Jesus said IN THIS WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE. The trouble is not a list of isolated incidents (that can never hinder the kingdom). The trouble is THE WORLD. The trouble is outside of Christ. If you build a house on a beach...YOU HAVE TO EXPECT STORMS AND YOUR HOUSE TO EVENTUALLY BE DESTROYED. The result is the same if the ways of the world are our life. TRUTH..... The world(SANDY LAND) is not our home. We are aliens here. WE the peculiar people are from God...and what comes from God returns to God(in Christ). We can never be comfortable here. Does God actually provide for us PHYSICALLY???? Of course He does. Food, clothes, shelter, healing, safety etc.....YES ALL GOD.... BUT NO ONE CAN COME TO GOD (for relief...GET RELIEF) AND STAY THE SAME. God is not here to answer OUR REQUEST(or give Adam what Adams flesh wants)...God is here to reveal Christ to us; by revealing Christ in us. I have to say.......if we came to God...it was not the trouble that brought us to Him. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE TROUBLE EVERY DAY...... AND THE LAST THING THEY THINK ABOUT IS GOD. It was God drawing us that brought us to Him. Gods kingdom is not of this world. NEITHER ARE GODS PURPOSES. Who doesnt want to stop being sick so we can go back to our normal life? Who doesnt want to be debt free and unhindered by creditors? Who didnt or doesnt want the things that world offers? If He restores even a broken bone...it serves His purpose NOT OURS. The blessing IS NOT a smooth ride on the death train that the world calls LIFE. Jesus Christ is the BLESSING. The blessing is us being lifted up above the world(that Christ already completely overcame); seated in heavenly places in Him. The blessing is being called out of the world and its ways and systems. The blessing is Jesus being glorified in us. THE BLESSING IS BEING ABLE TO SEE EVERYTING OF THE WORLD(relationships, status, physical health, wealth, youth, physical pleasure, earthly security, marriage, earthly family,etc) as TEMPORAL; and seeing Christ (and His kingdom: of which you truly belong) as ETERNAL....... #NoCofidenceInTheFlesh
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 02:03:33 +0000

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