1i. large population- there is high number of people in west - TopicsExpress


1i. large population- there is high number of people in west africa, leading to high labou force ii. Farming-due to agriculture being the mainstay in west africa, it brings about availability of raw material iii. Hig financial institutions- there are many banksthat render financia assistance to the populace iv.Democracy- the non- military government in most nations give freedom to most commercial activities v. Efficient transportation-due to free movement, commerce has had great enhancement in west africa.(2a)(i) duration of the business (ii)capital contribution (iii) admissionof new members (iv) the nature ofthe business (v) the objective of the firm (2bii) bankruptcy of a partner artnership will be dissolved when a partner becomes bankrupt. (2biii) death of a partner:the death of a partner will bring an end the the business (2biv) joint decision artnership can be dissolved when all members decide. [8]i. it leads todistribution of commodities to final consumers ii. It rgulates pricelevel of commodities iii. it brings about even distribution of commodities to all parts of the country iv. it controls inflation anddeflation in the economy v. It serves as means of source of living i.e. Occupation 9. privatization is the transfer ofownership and control of state- owned business enterprises from the the state to individual (private sector) . i. Efficiency- By removing red – tapism and reducing waste. It is believed such business can bebetter run by the private sector. ii. Liberalisation-privatizationisoften aimed at allowing more investors into certain sector thereby creating room. iii. Consumer’s interest- privatization maybe also be conceived to protect the interest of consumers by giving the right to chose whichis often under government monopoly. iv. Burden reduction- government may decide to privatean enterprise in orderproduce its financial burden in the running ofsuch an enterprises. v. Efficiency management- it is believed that when business is run by businessman and not civil servant,it will be more efficient and profit oriented
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 09:59:06 +0000

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