1st August 2014 Internal-Capt.S K Shukla External -Capt. Singhal - TopicsExpress


1st August 2014 Internal-Capt.S K Shukla External -Capt. Singhal ( Capt. Panda absent) Result/Attempt- Pass/First 1.What is SOLAS Chapter 9 and its contents. 2.What documents are required under ISM ? 3.What will you do as a Master if the surveyor withdraws your SMC when you are in port.Pilot is onbaord and theport is asking you to vacate the berth because you are going to miss the tide etc etc. ( As per ISM, I have the over-riding authority ,so I will vacate the berth for the ship safety, I will also inform the company etc etc...) 4.Is the DOC valid if the SMC is withdrawn? 5.What certificates are required under SOLAS? 6.What certificates are required under MARPOL? 7. Load line survey 8.SEQ survey 9.Contents of SEQ certificate 10.How will you know the number of persons as ship is certified to carry?Your SEQ certificate states -40 persons and you have 36 crew onboard. Your company is planning to put four guys of riding squad?Can you allow? (SEQ and SEWAGE Cert.) 11.Dispensation for additional riding squad.How will you go about it? Additional LSA liferafts etc. 12.What actions as a Master if you find two stoaways after departure port? ( IMO guidleines) 13.How will you determine the nationality of the stowaway if he is not telling you the truth? ( IMO guidelines -ask about religions, politicians, langauge spoken, famous sports stars etc.) 14.What are you priorities as a Master?( Safety of life first ....) 15.What will you do as a Master if the PSCO wanst to detain your ship for loose rubber packing of hatch covers ,watertight doors and poor upkeep of the FFA? ( I will try to politely convince the PSCO that such deficiencies can be rectified within port stay like changing of rubber packing, ordering new hoses or nozzles while the vessel is in port and the vessel need not be detained) 16.How will you take over a ship new to the company? 17.If you are joining a new ship and your deck officers and crew are not so well experienced, what will you do?( ISM ,prioritize, familiarisation etc) 18.What are the requirements for fire hoses ? 19.How many fire nozzles should a ship carry? 20.Explain the working of CO2 system? 21.If you are joining a new ship, how will you quickly familiarise yourself with the fire fighting system? ( Training Manual, walk around read instructions,company information books) 22.Handing over taking over as a Master 23.What will be the first thing you will check as a Master after taking over a ship?(Check the hull if joining via boat, take a round, check expired cert. Condition of class,limitation of the vessel etc etc.) 24.BMP4 25.How will you prevent pirates from the boarding your vessel if they are pursuing you will speed boats? ( BMP4, evasive manoueuvre, etc) 26.At what moment will you press the SSAS? ( As soon as the pirates start pursuing me) 27.Armed guards 28.How do you deal with a situation when you have armed guards onboard and pirates are pursuing you?( Armed guards follow the protocol- first verbal challenge, then visual show of ammunition, then they will ask master if they can shoot, then they will shoot in water around the pirate boat and finally if the pirates still are trying the board, i will allow them to shoot etc etc.) 29.How will you cancel a False SSAS alarm? 30.How will you know about the history of the ship? ( CSR and its contents) 31.Will you sail a newly taken over ship if you think that the crew are not familiar with the ship?( No, carry out familiarization etc as per ISM,As per ISM , i have over-riding authority in matters of safety and pollution ) 32. Masters authority as per ISM? 33. Restricted visibility situation 1- What will you do a Master when 3/O on watch and you are also on bridge and you hear a fog signal 2 points on the port bow -radar is operational? 34.RV situation 2- Vessel on stbd side coming down( clear by 2 miles) another vessel on port bow ROC? 35.RV situation 3-Vessel on port side coming down( clear by 2 miles) another vessel on stbd bow ROC, Stbd bow v/l CPA 0.2 nm passing astern? 36.As a Master is it prudent to increase speed in RV? 37.What will you ask a third mate to check on liferaft? ( Correct rigging of HRU) 38.Working of HRU, how does liferaft gets inflated? Captain Shukla 1.What are the different types of tankers as per MARPOL Annex 1?( Crude, product, combination) 2. IOPP Form A and B 3. How will you know you are Crude, product of what type?( IOPP Form B states crude tanker, product tanker, crude/product tanker, combination tanker) 4. What is a combination carrier? 5.If you get additional liferafts for riding squad, where you place then where will you place the additional liferafts?( On weather deck ,access to shipside,no overside obstructions, illumination etc etc) 6. If you receive only one additional liferaft for riding squad, where will you stow it?(Centreline, weather deck,or deck which has continuous unimpeded access to ship side etc.) 7. Why did ISM was needed?( To make company responsible , Master was always responsible even prior ISM) 8.Derbyshire ,Herald of free enterprise, Erika 9.Volatile cargoes,non-Volatile cargoes Many thanks to all especially to Yogesh Sharma
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:14:01 +0000

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