1st BRM of this Season and Last BRM for of 13-14 Calendar Year is - TopicsExpress


1st BRM of this Season and Last BRM for of 13-14 Calendar Year is Successfully Completed today on 19th Oct 6:00AM, when we have received last lot of 400Km Riders. This BRM has been absolutely amazing and made it memorable by our Home Town New Riders and Randonneurs from Baroda, Mumbai, Pune, Nasik & Chennai. Home town riders rather put us in surprises one after another. Registered Riders: 33 in 200Km, 12 in 300Km, 10 in 400Km. The best thing about Randonneuring is that it is not a Race, It is ideally characterised by Cooperation over Competition. So, you not competing with other riders, rather giving all your cooperation to make sure they also complete with you, is what actual Randonneuring is. It is about Enjoy the route, Self Sufficiency, and Love for the Outdoors. Its about make friends, gain trust, and enjoy brotherhood. And Surprise Packs are, Manoj Soni – 4 days of Cycling History, He attempted 200BRM, Leave after Century @107Km, and that also not because He was tired or couldn’t do it but because he has some commitments. Arvind Patel – again 4-5 days of Cycling, He attempted 200BRM, and completed 200Km, though he got DNF because he finished little late then time limit but remarkable performance. Vasant Patel – 15days ago Joined cyclone and bought cycle, attempted and completed 200Km BRM within time limit. Manas – Last time he could not completed BRM as he was little over time Limit but now he finished 2nd (though time has No value but his performance growth has). Divyesh – again superb Improvement in performance. Sunny Singh – I rarely see this man riding and done 200BRM. Vishal Patel – I do know where he get all his every from. He never rides, No practice and come straight to BRM and complete it :) . Priyanka – What a finish she has, well well well before time limit (I am jealous because she did in less then time I took :) , Parul – Only Few days in Cyclone, and dared to attempt and finished BRM200. Jignesh Patel – He is real Power House, He has excess powers which he always shares with all fellow riders, you just have to ride with him and you will not even remember that there is any word “tired” in dictionary. Sukhdev – through he did not participate in BRM but he rode as a company for 100Km with Pre-BRM riders and end up finishing 300Km. He has done only couple of Century, No 200BRM, direct 300Km. And List can go on and on…for these Crazy Cycloners. Just can anyone tell me, where you guys get all this energy from? It took me almost 1 year to reach my 100Km, and you guys are doing it, as its a child play for you. I think, you guys just learned to train you Mind so that you can conquer your body. Icing over a cake is done by all these Legendry riders from outside Ahmedabad, Mohinder Singh Bharaj (60Years)- completed 400Km with 1st group to arrive, Anil Uchil – our Cycling baba, Treasure of Cycling & BRM Knowledge. Thank you Anil, for making it happen. Your Pre Briefing was just awesome, still need to learn many things from you and We are proud to have you here. Sanjay karandikar – after this 400Km, he has been 5 times Super Randonneur in this year only. Deep Udeshi, Nimish Makadia, Brajesh Shah, Major Parikshit. Also dare devil Padma Priya & Swetha Christy all the way from Chennai to complete ride for their SR Series in Ahmedabad. Strange State, Strange people, Strange Route and Riding through the Night, really needs enough Guts to even attempt. But we hope we have made them feel Home in Gujarat. I am glad you all guys have made it and TEAM CYCLONE is proud to have you here. Last but not Least, TEAM CYCLONE, who has made it happen. Anuj, Bhavik, Priyanka, Yagnesh, Jigar patel, Sachin, Shobhendu, Chandan, Shyam, Shailendra. Amitabh and bhavik has done wonder Job by keeping track of each and every riders. Special thanks to Anuj, Yagnesh, Dharmesh for their Sleepless Night during BRM Ride being in 2 seperate Safety Vehicles throughout for almost 26 Hours and to make sure all riders are Safe, especially Females during the Night. CYCLONE is blessed to have such a wonderful volunteers who spend time out of their very busy Schedule to make all things happen just perfectly. We still have lots of scope to learn and we always try to make it better and better. Hence please share your views, Experience, feedback, as this will only help us to do better in next event. Keep Exploring. TEAM CYCLONE
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 06:56:55 +0000

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