2/12/82014. THE LITMUS TEST TO IDENTIFY KRISHNA ॐ - TopicsExpress


2/12/82014. THE LITMUS TEST TO IDENTIFY KRISHNA ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः । We saw that there never was and there never will be time when Krishna was not here and will not be here and you too were not here and will not be here. Krishna is always here in your vicinity. But you never could realise or feel Him. If you are beloved, He will look like your lover. As a beloved you will ask him to be your only. Your mundane love will not leave its absurdity when you love Krishna. You will tell Him to be your alone and of nobody else. But He will be loving all equally. He will give you ample love, more than you expected or deserved. But your absurdity will not feel satisfied if you find that He gives his love equally to others also. Disciples of Jesus had a complaint against Jesus that though they have been serving Jesus since years, yet he equally loves and cares for new disciples also. So Jesus was used to tell a parable to them which runs like this. There was a man who went out early in the morning to hire some men to work in his vineyard. He agreed to pay them the regular wage, a silver coin a day and sent them to work in the vineyard. He also hired some other men at the noon. And in the evening also some men were hired to work in the vineyard. When day was over and time for the payment to laborers came, he paid one silver coin to each who came in the morning, noon and in the evening. The men who joined the work in the morning thought they will be paid more but they were also paid equally. So they started grumbling against the employer. “These men who were hired last, worked only one hour, while we put up a whole day’s work in the hot sun, yet you paid them the same as you paid us.” The employer answered: “Listen friend I have not cheated upon you. Now tell me have you got fewer wage than you agreed with?” They said: “Question is not we got less, question is they got equal to us.” The employer said: “Don’t I have right to do as I wish with my money? Or are you jealous because I am generous?” Yes, divine Atmans, you have always been jealous of His generosity. You are not happy with what you are getting from God, you are always unhappy for what others have got from Him. You have Laura Superb car and your ego is flying very high. But the moment your neighbour purchased Mercedes Benz, your happiness evaporates instantly. Just see the complaint of the poor laborer! “You paid them the same as you paid us.” They don’t say they have been paid less or more, they say others who joined later also got equally paid. You never have your attention on you. You make every possible effort to shift your attention from you to the world. Parmatma makes every possible effort to bring back your attention on you. If you can see yourself, then you can also feel Parmatma. Parmatma is not in Kankhal, or in Himalayas. He is very much there where you are. You every day listen his whisper in wind, you everyday feel His touch when breeze crosses you. But you are very indifferent to feel him. Same happens when you chance to meet Master. When you see some Master, you will not feel that he is master, because he will most likely behave very naturally and simply. You may feel he is an idiot. You may feel that he has no more civic sense. He will fondle with you as per the role you have incurred. If you are seeker, he will talk with you Philosophy. If you are aspirant, he will guide you how man can climb higher than the “Sphery Chimes.” If you talk like a friend, he most likely will not disappoint you in finding an affectionate friend in him. Here you error. If you have inner vision, then you certainly will find in him a glow, you found nowhere. You will feel calm, composed, tranquil, reposed, worriless, and pacified while you are in his vicinity. This is the litmus test for you to determine of a Master. So Krishna is always here in your vicinity. He can manifest Him through anyone of us. You must leave your ego and be as light as possible so that you can feel Him when He is in vicinity. हरिः ॐ तत् सत् ।
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 03:29:40 +0000

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