2/17/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter - TopicsExpress


2/17/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jana, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearYou are beloved of The Lord. Your time has come, to be completely free from the tempter, and live unto The Lord... All, who would be free, are free in Me. You have obeyed your husband, in this you do well, but remember who it is you must serve first and foremost. To honor your husband is well and good, yet remember God’s first command... For in serving The Father first, shall one also serve those they love, because they had first loved Me... And to love Me is to love The Father... No one has ever seen The Father, or knows Him as I know Him... I am your Father...And My Father is in Me, and I in Him, and We are in you... Being the very same, who made you in the beginning, When you were yet in the bosom of The Father. You have drawn near to Me with your mouth, yet your life is not in keeping with whose name you proclaim. Follow My commands and walk in My ways. Then shall I lead you along the path of living water, wherein you shall find a fountain, a well-spring, coming forth out of your heart, which was once as the world, dark and troubled, now becoming free and cleansed... So come, My child, and bring to Me your supplications, And I will heal your iniquities, and remember your sins no more. Will you go for Me? Will you walk not where others walk?... To stand for Me is to stand separated from the world, and all others who would stand against Me. At My right hand is where you shall reside in the Day, which comes quickly, wherein you shall not be found by your husband, nor any of your neighbors. I see a light shining in you, amongst the darkness... Embrace that light and forsake the world, and this dark shall flee from you. You need only call on My name, and follow My ways, And you shall be freed indeed. Harken to the voices of those who love Me, to them shall you go... They are My trumpets, and in them shall you find fellowship. Timothy is just one, among many, I have sent out. Do not fear him or his words, they are not his own... Fear God... Who brings all The Word speaks, to fulfillment, through Me.I am The Christ, The Holy One of Israel... Jesus, The Gift, is My name...The Holy One sent of God, in His image...The Face of The Almighty, shown on all His children, in His loving mercy. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 01:37:22 +0000

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