2, 2013 | BY- MWAKERA MWAJEFA Tweet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DESKTOP - TopicsExpress


2, 2013 | BY- MWAKERA MWAJEFA Tweet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DESKTOP VIEW BACK TO TOP Timamy in tight spot as UDF leaders fight The pledge by 22 senators allied to Cord to campaign for UDF’s Issa Abdalla Timamy for the Lamu ADVERTISEMENT The pledge by 22 senators allied to Cord to campaign for UDF’s Issa Abdalla Timamy for the Lamu governor’s seat puts the candidate in a tight situation. According to the contentious deal mooted on Wednesday at KICC, it was agreed that UDF will back Cord co-principal Moses Wetang’ula to recapture the Bungoma Senate seat and withdraw support for New Ford Kenya’s Musikari Kombo. But UDF leader Musalia Mudavadi disowned the deal with Cord, saying it was a “poisoned chalice”. Mr Timamy is facing off against his arch- rival Fahim Twaha (TNA) for the seat on December 2. The contentious deal has sparked a furious exchange between Mr Mudavadi and Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale, one of the architects of the deal. In a telephone interview, Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar told the Sunday Nation that initially Cord had opted not to support any aspirant in Lamu County. “I was late for the Cord meeting at Orange House in Nairobi on Tuesday, but on learning that a governor from the coast region had convinced the leadership to remain neutral over the Lamu by-election, I went into overdrive to change that,” he said. Together with Taita Taveta Senator Dan Mwazo, Mr Omar mobilised fellow Cord senators to sign a joint agreement with the UDF senators led by Mr Khalwale to campaign for Mr Timamy in Lamu and Mr Wetang’ula in Bungoma. The deal whose details were made available to the Sunday Nation bears 22 signatures of James Orengo (ODM), Hassan Omar (Wiper), Mutula Kilonzo Jnr (Wiper), Boy Juma Boy (ODM), Janet Ong’era (ODM), Kennedy Mong’are (Ford-K), Johnstone Muthama (Wiper), Henry Ndiema (Ford-K) and Godana Hargur (ODM). Other signatories are Catherine Mukiite Nobwola (Ford-K), Wilfred Machage (ODM), Boni Khalwale (UDF), Elizabeth Ongoro (ODM), George Khaniri (UDF), Steward Madzayo (ODM), Chris Obure (ODM), Abdirahman Hassan (ODM), Ali Abdi Bule (Federal Party of Kenya), Halima Abdalla (ODM), Kanainza Nyongesa Daisy (ODM), Judith Sijeny (Wiper) and Otieno Kajwang’ (ODM). “We are convinced that the two candidates best carry the agenda and vision of devolution and possess the fidelity necessary as stipulated in the Constitution,” they said. Through a coordinating committee, the senators plan to hold joint campaigns. The Bungoma senatorial by-election will be on December 19. But Mr Mudavadi dismissed the horse- trading saying Mr Khalwale had no right to negotiate on behalf of UDF. Sources not authorised to speak to the media and close to Mr Timamy are worried the differences between Mr Mudavadi and Mr Khalwale might cost the former governor the seat. “Although we welcome the senators’ support, we are worried the conflicting statements from our party’s bigwigs may jeopardise our chances of clinching the seat,” the sources told Sunday Nation. Meanwhile, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has released the calendar for the by-election. Candidates will present their nomination papers on November 6 and 7 before campaigns kick off from this day to November 30. But in a letter dated October 25 to the IEBC chairman Isaack Hassan, Mr Twaha, a former Lamu West MP, wants the commission to replace the March 4 officials claiming they bungled the last elections. He cites the court’ findings on the conduct of two IEBC officials. “It is our belief that their accomplices escaped attention but were nevertheless just as culpable and are able to inflict harm again,” he says. The TNA aspirant wants the returning officer, his deputy, the presiding officers, facilitators and clerks to be picked in a transparent manner. He accuses the IEBC South-West Coast region coordinator Amina Soud and her counterpart in Northeast Coast region Annastacia Mutua of being tenants and close associates of Mr Timamy. But Ms Soud denied the claim saying she has never rented a house belonging to Mr Timamy. Ms Mutua expressed surprise over Mr Twaha’s letter to the IEBC saying the only time she came into contact with Mr Timamy was during the petition case. “What brought us together was the court case because we were co-accused by the petitioner but immediately the ruling was done, we ceased further interaction,” she said.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 14:23:03 +0000

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