2 95 I drove back home , my listening to Missy Higgins - - TopicsExpress


2 95 I drove back home , my listening to Missy Higgins - Where I stood, that songs alone hurts you on its own, i got home and decided to call mom and ask her about u-Malume! Mom: Yewethu ngu Happy otheni lo ndifundekelwa ngaye apha endlini? Me: Yehake uLele ukuxelele? she ruined the surprised. unjani umalume mama? Mom: ungcono wethu, u_right kunakuqala, yewethu ngubani uHappy nah Mampinga? Me: Okay please dont panic hear me out before you judge me. Mom: Thetha maan uyandi stressa. Me: okay mom I picked him up, his just a kid and i love him, his so sweet and cute. i also decided to adopt him. Mom: Did you say PICKED HIM UP???? Me: Mama there are thousands of people this boy could have gone to but he came to me maybe its a sign. Mom: maybe its a sign that should make your own, how are you going to survive nomntana omfumnene esithubeni. Me: I am not ready to have my ow kids kaloku ngoku ndithanda lona umntana mama and i swear is just an innocent kid. Mom: Innocent? how well do you know this kid? Me: I dont know him to well but i just know i love him. Mom: ow does Litha f about this? Me: u-Litha? well Litha and I are no longer a item, yhuu mama ngoku bekukhe kwakho no Lunga. Mom: uLungile kelo Lunga wakho ngoba benditha da Litha mn. Me: Unfortunately not, phofu no Litha lo wakho ebengekho right, unomntana. Mom: Ngubani onomntana? Me: Ngulo Litha wakho kaloku sana. Mom: So kengoku nawe uyaqonda uba linganisa yena ngale adoption? mntanam its not like ndithi suyenza lento but wena uyathanda ubeka abanye abantu kuqala wena ungazihoyi jonga ooLele for instance if uthe ufuna into uzo mthengela. Me: So what are you saying kanye-kanye? Mom: i want you to think long and hard about this, uzothini umntu wakho omtsha xezofika sewunenkwenkwe endala endlini? Me: Okay, good night. Mom: i hope you understand that am not trying to discourage you apha, ungumntanam and i know whats best for you. i hanged up, i had made my decision i was going to adopt that boy fulstop. just when i hanged up Tee called. Me: helow? Tee: hello, unjani? Me: Am very well thanks and yourself? Tee: Im good thanks, did you get my message? Me: What message? Tee: The one left you on your land line. Me: about? i knew exactly what she was talking about ndandifuna nje aziphinde. Tee: I had a get together at my place last night so i was hoping youd come. Me: oh i see. Tee: Yha. Me: was there anything else? Tee: Theres a lot i want us to talk about. we want to apologize tp you. Me: whose WE? Tee: Me and the girls. Me: can you talk for yourself? because you all had different things to say about me, how can you even think uba ndifuna ama ow enu? you sure as hell can act like virgins shame. Tee: Okay Im sorry ke on my part? Me: Youre such a coward if you want to apologize to me, uzoza kum and its gonna take a lot than that to gain my trust again, you guys though mxm, bah bye Tee. Tee: I seriously dont know what got to me, i know youd never fall for Doc, I really am sorry. Me: I have nothing to say to you. Tee: Can i see tomorrow? Me: No. Tee: Okay Good night. Me: Theres nothing good about this night, kwale yoba ndi-phonelwe nanguwe. Tee: Okay you the one whose acting like a virgin now. Me: I learnt from the best. she hanged up. i think i was more pissed by my mom than Tee, but something was eating me up. I took some pills cause i know i was gonna tors non stop on my bed instead of sleeping, and i couldnt wait to take baby boy out for shopping the following day. woke up the following morning , took a bath then Lunga called. Lunga: Hey listen am driving dont want to talk much we have a meeting at work today just incase ucabanga ufika late. Me: does it concern me? Lunga: Yes, we have someone who wants to invest in the company since you the one whose dealing with our finance books i thought you should come, the interns will be pitching today. Me: Gosh, i have so much on my plate right now, can you take down notes for me? Lunga: No i need you at the office as soon as possible. Me: Well then in that case i need a PA. Lunga: come to the office then we will talk about that when you get there. Me: fine. haibow sana uLuga for what? its not like i had anything to do with that stupid meeting, worse i had promised Happy Ill take him for shopping. i went to the office, throughout the whole meeting i wasnt listening i could see people pointing at the projector but i heard nothing i really wanted to go and sign the forms mna qha. it ended and Lunga called me to his office. Lunga: What was that in the boardroom? Me: Honestly i heard nothing there i was just not there. Lunga: You could cost us the deal for Gods sake, the client saw how bore you were, and fortunately for you the client was staring at you, and unfortunately for us you were not paying any attention, you know what get out of my face. Me: Well you could have told him i have nothing to do with the pitch. Lunga: Ngicela uhambe tu . Me: okay sure. all i wanted was to see Masi qha mna, he was like my new BF. i decided to go see if the forms were ready yet, and the sister that was there was not the one from yesterday and i though heeee tough luck for me. Me: Helow, Im here to see Masivuye. Sister: Base-Lunchin sisi abantwana. Me: Okay, kukhona i forms ebekumele ndiyazi signa ke namhlanje since am adopting him. Sister: Akho forms sisi apha xolo. Me: its like you dont even want to help me. Sister: ingxaki undifuna izinto ezingekhoyo. hai le woman sana yayindidike finish vhaa, wonke nje umntu wayendi nara.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:50:18 +0000

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