2 Corinthians 4:18 ~ “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, - TopicsExpress


2 Corinthians 4:18 ~ “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (NIV) As we stood in the shadows of one of the trees in the foreground of the cover picture, Dr. Joel Gregory taught a lesson from the verse above. The picture shows the 5% of the ancient city of Corinth that has been excavated. In the verse, Paul simply says, “If you can’t SEE it, it’s NOT going to last!” What Dr. Gregory shared with us could just as easily be a sermon entitled… “GONE“! This particular photo was taken by someone from the ruins of the temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite. What’s left of that temple is on a hill called Acrocorinth, overshadowing what you see in the photo. The temple is GONE! The famous Lechaion Road (blue dot), was the main road to the northern PORT of Lechaion, thus the name. Stairs in the background indicate that this road was for walking, and NOT for vehicles with wheels. It, and all the houses along the road… GONE! The temple to the sun god Apollo (red dot), once painted gold… GONE! The market place called the “agora” (green dot) where business was transacted, GONE! The only reason the name of the Roman proconsul Gallio is even uttered today, is because he dismissed a case against Paul while standing in judgment at the “bema” (yellow dot). Dr. Gregory said, “If you had been taking bets as to which would last longer, the authority of Rome or the words on an itinerant preacher named Paul, who do you think people of that day would have bet on? Yet Gallio is GONE, and the message of Jesus Christ by that preacher still stands! Now, If you still need proof, survey the cover photo again. You’ll see that the Ancient city of Corinth lies in ruins. Now click on the profile picture, look between the remaining 7 of the original 38 gold painted columns of the temple of Apollo, and you’ll see that… ONLY WHAT YOU DO FOR CHRIST WILL LAST!!! :D
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 03:34:38 +0000

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