2 DAYS LEFT TO THE NEW YEAR lately I found out that another thing - TopicsExpress


2 DAYS LEFT TO THE NEW YEAR lately I found out that another thing that has changed. I find it hard to remember people, dont know if my memory actually went bad as I grew older or I just dont feel its important anymore. I used to take things more seriously when Ive just met someone for the first time, their name, voice and face, I always get myself some specific impression from those people, and I think I even put people I know into differnet kinds of people which is defined by my own judgement, and Im proud of my sense in judging people through daily communication with them. But now I cant remember people that way anymore, the impression doesnt effect me that much like it used to. Its like I have met too many people and the reality that we dont always treat others the same way cuz daily relationship is just about keeping manners in others eyes, not much feelings or emotion. As I think about it that way, maybe I eventually changed into the person I am now, as I learned many things this year. About the way people treat each other. And to me the definition of friends is now much clearer. I may understand things which is totally clear but not in the same way. yeah, so treasure more the few friends of mine, as I will never talk with some assholes again. another thing is that I met too many people in the last 2 days and I communicated with many people I already know also, the feeling that isolation needed is not there anymore. But I still keep typing like this though I thought I do this because I isolated myself from the crowd, it made me like this. Ill figure this out soon. Just break the circle and get back to the fine life before. cant imagine that people around me would know that I type this much like an autism geek contratry to the fact that I always look optimistic. haha things like this get me balanced. and even writing in english gets me balanced also I dont know why, theyre all just weird hobbies. well I started to write about nonsense and silly things, so better go to sleep and clear my head. yeah and as I looked in the mirror lately, I realized that becoming a CG artist, commonly will be like: go crazy, go fat, go ugly, get myopia (or wtf it is called in English) worse, and sleep in another time zone,... sometimes write stupid things out for my own reading. shit, better go to sleep. https://youtube/watch?v=q7yCLn-O-Y0 IhatethatsomeofthesongsItrulylovearethesongsIknewfromher.thatmakesmenotwanttolistentothembuttheyareirresistiblygood nvm,igototherthingstoworryaboutfornow,andIjusthavetosticktovideogamesliketheolddaysbackthen,Illgetfinesoon.yeahandImlovingwatchingfootballalso.yeah and a secret soulmate with good sense of music also.well both get fine soon and I hope it should be just a secret, just another weird hobbies of mine I guess... why did I take a nap in the afternoon....? there are no football matches left since 2 hours ago ... I love the new keyboard, feel so good on typing xD thanksmomforbreakingtheoldone... I need a plan to get to sleep on time...and get those old year jobs done in the 2 days left.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:14:37 +0000

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