2. He exposed Sonia Gandhi directly as an agent of Vatican and - TopicsExpress


2. He exposed Sonia Gandhi directly as an agent of Vatican and Christian Missionaries, as she is working to destroy India from inside. He said "Sonia MUST leave Bharat". 3. Those who are attacking Asaram bapu, are the same "Secular and Communist" stooges, NGOs and Media houses, who kept on attacking Mr Narendra Modi for past 10 years. 4. The gullible and simple minded Hindus do not see the bigger game plan of the Anti-Hindu, Anti-National forces and their covert means of defaming Hindu saints – because Dharma is the strongest thread that binds us to our motherland. Breaking our dharma means breaking this nation.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:26:59 +0000

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