2 Living Like Jesus PRAY: Heavenly Father, in the midst of my - TopicsExpress


2 Living Like Jesus PRAY: Heavenly Father, in the midst of my busy, stressful life, I want to be still, just for a few minutes so I can hear from you. READ: Philippians 2:1-11 REFLECT: During the 1960s there was something of a revival of interest in Jesus in the West. In a decade of radical change, he seemed like an ideal role model. Young men even tried to look like him; they had long hair, grew beards and even wore leather sandals (a classmate of mine called them “Jesus boots”). But what does it mean to live like Jesus? That’s the issue we’ll consider today. Actually, there was a specific situation the apostle Paul was addressing in this passage: he wanted the Christians in a first-century city called Philippi to be less selfish and more loving, compassionate, joyful and united (vv. 1-4). Good advice for Christians in any town, at any time. But the question was how? Paul’s answer was simple: live like Jesus. He proceeds to give one of the most soaring descriptions of Jesus in the entire Bible (vv. 5-11). Let’s unpack what he says and how we can apply it to our lives: Jesus is God (v. 6). Ever since Paul had an encounter with the risen Christ (Acts 9:1-9), he was a fearless witness for his Lord. Are you? Jesus became a human being (vv. 7-8). He wasn’t a spiritual Casper the Ghost. He came and lived with us (John 1:14). How real is Jesus to you? Jesus humbled himself (v. 7). The Creator of the universe was willing to serve his creatures. Are you willing to serve those “lower” than you? Jesus obeyed his Father (v. 8). For him it meant death on the cross. What does obeying God mean for you today? Jesus was exalted by God (v. 9). The way God did it was to bring Jesus back to life. Are you convinced that Jesus is alive today? Jesus will be acknowledged by everyone (vv. 10-11). No matter what you believe about him now, one day you’ll come face to face with Jesus. What will you say when you do? Whether it’s the first century, the 1960s or today, living like Jesus begins with a decision to follow the One who “became obedient to death— even death on a cross” (v. 8). Now that’s a radical idea. APPLY: What is one thing you could do to sacrificially serve someone close to you this week? PRAY: Imagine that you are face to face with Jesus right now. What do you want to say? Whitney T. Kuniholm, The Essential Jesus: 100 Readings through the Bibles Greatest Story, (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2007), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, 21-23.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 16:23:04 +0000

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