2 Millions Bikers to DC Are You Prepared For The ‘Drill’ Next - TopicsExpress


2 Millions Bikers to DC Are You Prepared For The ‘Drill’ Next Week? *NOTE* We at 2MBTDC have no clue if Gov really plans to do this. But please note NatGeo DID report it was going to happen and that is why we post this. Video of show is attached in this article. An electrical grid joint drill simulation is being planned in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Thousands of utility workers, FBI agents, anti-terrorism experts, governmental agencies, and more than 150 private businesses are involved in the November power grid drill. The downed power grid simulation will reportedly focus on both physical and cyber attacks. The antiquated electrical system in the United States has been one of the most neglected pieces of integral infrastructure. The disaster drill is being described as a crisis practice unlike anything the real power grid has ever experienced. The GridEX II drill Nov. 13-14 will focus primarily on how governments will react if the electrical grid fails and, for instance, the food supply chain collapses. This drill is scheduled to begin November 13, 2013. What is not being discussed is how much of the nation will lose power or, since it is a three-nation drill (United States and parts of Canada and Mexico), the entire U.S. will go “offline” so to speak. What we are told is that all food and water transport will stop, business and banking will stop, transportation and shopping will stop, communications will stop, and there will be no heat in homes, schools or places of business. We are also told this will only be a “simulation”. As such, it is best to be prepared one way or another, just in case. Therefore, everyone will have to decide whether to go to work, whether to send their kids to school or have them possibly locked down, and they will have to decide whether they will have non-perishable foods and water on hand, alternative lighting and heating, medical supplies, etc., for what will likely be ordered sheltering in place. Here is the IRS website stating Planned Outage from 11/9/13 - 11/12/13: irs.gov/Individuals/Online-Payment-Agreement-Application Below is American Blackout, a National Geographic program first aired in October 2013, giving a fictional docudrama account of a nationwide electrical blackout in the United States, and its severe aftermath. Most of the program is mock vlogging by those affected, interspersed with mock news footage. (GO TO ARTICLE FOR VIDEO)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 11:33:48 +0000

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