2-Minute Holiday Ad (NFL Game) Warns of Rogue President and Media - TopicsExpress


2-Minute Holiday Ad (NFL Game) Warns of Rogue President and Media Suppression VALERIE JARRET FEATURED AS OBAMA WHISPERER Obama Putting at Risk “What’s Best About America” (Washington, DC)—“As families gather to celebrate the American miracle, many are troubled and in disbelief this Thanksgiving because the President of the United States has “gone rogue” and is abetted by a compliant media,” Mike Flynn, spokesman of Conservative War Chest said announcing the new 2-minute television ad. “Just weeks ago, millions of Americans voted for a new direction in this country. Unfortunately, the President has chosen to slip the surly bonds of politics and ignore the voters,” Flynn added. “We are pleased to have time on NFL football on Thanksgiving Day as well as local news over the weekend “ said Flynn. “but this if ever there was a local ad with a national message this is it.”. As Americans join the time-honored tradition of giving thanks, the ad details that they must also today contend with confusing and unsettling developments: A President who discounts the democratic practice of voting, A President who divides the country and weakens the rule of law by governing through personal orders, mandates and falsehoods, A President who goes abroad to sign a treaty that imposes recession-level job losses on his own country while giving every advantage to a competing and even hostile foreign power.” “Our ad reminds Americans that the headlines they are reading, unfortunately, are true.” Flynn said. “President Obama says he’s listening not to those who voted but those who didn’t vote. According to former allies, Obama is not only refusing talk to Republicans but even Democrats.” Based on the two-minute format of the Paul Harvey “farmer” commercial that drew much comment at this year’s Superbowl, the political commercial that will be shown on holiday football games features the sort of flashing headlines Americans see on their TV screens The spot asks “what if ” America had a president who “is listening only to his closest personal advisors and staff – a political party of his own creation that believes in rule through personal order or mandate.” “Barrack Obama is a creature of the faculty lounge, believing America has a history of being wrong,” Flynn said about about one of the TV spot’s lines. “He believes only he can reshape our nation, ignoring Republicans, Democrats and even voters. “Worse though is that this almost messianic belief in himself is now combined with a temper tantrum,” Flynn added. “Obama is willing to upend centuries of the rule of law to show he is politically relevant despite historic low approval ratings. “With Obamacare in shambles and “ Grubergate exposing the president’s own falsehoods about the law and the continuing debacle of the Obama-Clinton-Kerry foreign policy the president is isolated and angry,” Flynn said. “And, despite the best efforts of the press, IRS internal emails about the targeting of political opponents have been made public and Attorney General Eric Holder’s unprecedented extension of “executive privilege” to his own wife has been exposed. The spot details how major news organizations have suppressed stories unfavorable to the administration such as allegations of an IRS scandal and Behnghazi cover-up. “ Even the compliant media can’t satisfy Obama’s personal desires,” Flynn noted. “Our ad concludes with a picture of families at the thanksgiving table because Americans still have faith in their country and in themselves,” Flynn said. They are right in thinking our current nationals problem are not systemic, but originate with a leader in Washington who refuses to listen to demands for a new direction and calls for meaningful hope and change.” “America is still that shining city on the hill,” Flynn noted. “This Thanksgiving, let us all pray that it is ever thus. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=t2JpRw8h9N0
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 21:34:48 +0000

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