2 Minutes Business Article Title: Judgement In - TopicsExpress


2 Minutes Business Article Title: Judgement In Negotiation “In business, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.” ~ Chester L. Karrass Even though the goal of negotiation by principle shouldn’t be to win, you can’t take chances as not everyone adheres to principles. People are naturally selfish and will always want to make more than necessary if given the chance, especially from the ignorant. You can’t make better judgement than the information you have. Your judgement concerning an issue is always as good as your information. That’s why it’s critical for you to always get the right information by asking the right people. Note; I said the right people. How do you feel after buying something for a particular amount, only to get back and have another person tell you it’s a lot cheaper than that simply because you got your prior price from a bad negotiator like yourself. (don’t take it personal, I’m just making a point), I was a very bad negotiator too! In yesterday’s article, I stressed the need to get all the necessary information you’d need before going to the market or a negotiation meeting. The goal of this is to help put you at a vantage position when it comes to decision making in negotiation. Gathering relevant information mustn’t be a sudden exercise - you must take your time and be deliberate about it. Some people are referred to as impulsive buyers because they always make their decisions at the market or at the negotiation table, they never plan their spending. They spend as the money comes, and, ninety per cent of the time on things they don’t need. Men, story of my life! I was like that for so long; I thought I would never change. There’s no habit you can’t change if you simply discover what you’re losing by not changing. Action Exercise: Make your decisions and write down your expectations about what you want from the negotiation before you leave home. PLConsulting... BB: 265A987A @Paulvanplc leadership-plc.blogspot
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:49:23 +0000

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