2 PETER 3:17 THEREFORE, DEAR FRIENDS, SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED, BE ON YOUR GUARD SO THAT YOU MAY NOT BE CARRIED AWAY BY THE ERROR OF THE LAWLESS AND FALL FROM YOUR SECURE POSITION. Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Most Holy Father; The return of Lord Jesus Christ will not be just an interesting observation for those who believe, but will actively involve every single person who has ever lived; as those who have resisted Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation are marked out for judgement. But those who hope in Lord Jesus Christ were marked refugees to this world but safe in the presence of their Lord and Saviour. Believers in Lord Jesus Christ need to take these verses seriously and get ready to move from earth to heaven. We need to loosen the shackles which bind us to our worldly lifestyle so that we are ready for the Sovereign Lord when He comes. This world is not our home, and we are prepared to camp wherever the Lord leads us until we see Him face to face. Until that time, we can take spiritual advantage of every change which disturbs our habits of life. These events will teach us not to trust in uncertain riches, our skill-base, social network, employment or marriage prospects. Such circumstances will be sanctified as we let them teach us to prepare for heaven, and let the Lord Almighty provide for us along the way. Psalm 37:25 says, I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. Those who trust in Lord Jesus Christ like that demonstrate that they already possess eternal life. So my beloved, lets live out what we believe; and pray that some of those who watch us will repent of their rebellion against Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Have a blessed day in Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Almighty blesses you all. Stay blessed.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 04:48:09 +0000

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