2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 (11) And for this cause God shall send - TopicsExpress


2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 (11) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.....................................................Jesus said (I AM THE WAY) (I AM THE TRUTH) ( I AM THE LIFE) in John 14:6,and no man comes to the Father (BUT) by me, Jesus is not a religion as some is,none other can save but Jesus,Jesus is the truth so if you dont have Jesus YOU DO NOT HAVE TRUTH,Jesus is life so if you dont have Jesus YOU DONT HAVE LIFE,with out the shedding of blood their is NO REMISSION OF SINS,Jesus is not just a profit, BUT THE SON OF GOD, believing in some man,or worshipping some man can not save you. Jesus said ( I AM THE DOOR) that means your entry way. Check out John 3:16-21, and the bible also clearly states that their will be many damnable heresies 2 Peter 2:1-3 WHICH IS FALSE RELIGIONS AND TEACHINGS,but I prefer the truth, and not the twisted version of the truth, satan knows how to twist scriptures to fit him,he even spoke it to Jesus, believe not everything from everyone,and specially believe not anyone who defames Jesus,or puts him in the place of other men,JESUS IS LORD OF ALL,and no man or doctrine or religion can take his place. can you be saved yes through Jesus,why did Jesus come, he came to save you, BECAUSE MAN CAN NOT SAVE HIMSELF,not by a higher conciousness,but only by a higher power, AND THAT WOULD BE GOD, JESUS< AND THE HOLY SPIRIT,Jesus died so you can live life eternal,if you choose to live your life without accepting him,then you are in not only for death but THE SECOND DEATH eternally.Do I condemn you by no means I am not God I do not know your heart, but I must tell you the truth, and that is Jesus,came for one such as you,but the decision is yours to make,if we could have saved ourselve, then Jesus wouldnt had to leave his throne, walk among us a men,suffer and die,and rise from the dead the third day, Why would he have went through all that for no reason, I dont know about you but I dont like pain, and I surely wouldnt go through pure torture for no reason at all, Jesus loves you, and came to save you,but his gift has to be accepted,so you may have life. When you stand before God,nothing or no one can save you from his wrath but the blood of Jesus and HIS righteousness,no excuses,no prophet, no teaching,no spirituality, not how good you were,not all the great things you have done will save you. If you learn the truth,the truth shall set you free.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 07:50:53 +0000

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