2 Timothy 3:15-16 (ESV): ...and how from childhood you have been - TopicsExpress


2 Timothy 3:15-16 (ESV): ...and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. Two days ago, the bulb in my room got fried and I was too tired to go out and get it. It got burnt out at night and I was home from work, in cargo shorts and a tee, just about ready to throw myself into bed. I dragged myself out of the house, hard as it was and went to the shop nearby to get a new one. I got there and realized they had none. The other shop on my street, is on the opposite side and further down. I did not have the strength for that journey so I went back to bed. Yesterday I came home, having forgot again. I was upset. The idea of going out to get another bulb with the mood I was in was annoying me. I sat down and weighed my options. Would I this time go and get it from the shop on the left (the one which had none the other night) in the hopes that they would have one this time, or go to the opposite one at the beginning of the street, which was further away. I decided on the latter. It was hard and painful to reach that conclusion, considering my state but, I could not take the chance. And since there was another shop, directly opposite it and another row of them a little further down, it was my best bet. There was no way I could pass all those shops and not find a bulb. I did the breathing exercises to calm me down then picked up my phone and earpiece. Might as well listen to Sho Baraka on my way. I was standing in the doorway of my room when I noticed them; the two packs for bulbs in the living room. They were placed side by side near the TV. I have been cleaning this house for ages, especially in this period of funny weather with its dust and all and, I never noticed them. I never took note of those two bulbs. I was winded in seconds. I had spent one night without good lighting in my room, squinting to look at work on my laptop and design, while seated at my work desk. I was dreading going to buy bulbs and there were two new bulbs right there in my house all along. I took one of them, fitted it, hit the switch and light flooded my room. How long are we going to weary ourselves running from church to church, pastor to pastor, meeting to meeting, unit to unit and so on, to fix and deliver us from one issue or the other, tell us what God is saying, how to handle that situation, give us rhema on who to marry, where to live, what job to take, which clothes to wear and all sorts of things. We will not sit down with the word of God, right there in front of us to see the light flood us and our situation, giving us insight into what is going on and what to do. When this shop...church, does not give us what we want, we return to the darkness and wait for another shop to open, so we can go and get what we want. God is right there in the house but, we would rather to and find him in some of these places. For us, that is the only way. Pastors, ministries and the like are great and, so is fellowship with brethren but, they are not to be crutches we lean on perpetually to make us lazy. They are meant to spur us on and help us grow. We are meant to be growing and applying this wisdom gleaned from the word to our lives. If we did, a lot of the so-called breakthroughs we rush to get at programs (some of which are even fake), would not be needful. You are seated in darkness, hurting, angry, alone, afraid, bitter, confused and undecided and, there is a bible a few feet away from you. Gods words to you to bring you comfort, hope, strength and wisdom. But you do not see it because it is just a book and only makes sense on Sundays and when someone else is telling you what is inside and what to do. That is why you are still in dankness and it wont let up until you let the light in. #ListenLearnGrow
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 08:13:13 +0000

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