2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NKJV) 3 For the time will come when they will - TopicsExpress


2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NKJV) 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. Unless we possess, truly allow God to instill unique, strong, Godly character in us to stand for truth instead of tolerating, even falling for deception, we probably wont be raptured but have to endure tribulation or The Day of the Lord. That can be avoided by removing pride, accepting Gods love through Christ. Through study and prayer, youll soon realize repenting is living out the 2 greatest commandments of loving God totally and others as much as we love ourselves. Orwell warned in his book 1984 that well lose human qualities with freedom of thought without being aware of it because of mental and emotional manipulation. Psychological warfare is also spiritual war for control of thoughts/views. Satan used behavioral psychologists to win battles through mass media (Medes) and transformation of our educational system (to remove childrens faith in God by repeatedly mixing lies with truth, then subversively stating guesses are fact). TV changes world views and whole cultures within the ideas presented in a mesmerized state. Video screens can produce an altered state in us, like little hypnotists having the ability to mesmerize (we went through Dr. Mesmer of Germany, hypnosis as medical practice - how Darwin and Huxley were hypnotized as children, demons entered, and the rest is history). We know by measuring brain waves while people are in a trance-like state of watching and hearing. Being entertained, we dont consciously percieve it. Entertain means something enters us for the purpose to amuse (to not think, then replace our thoughts and views with thiers, under the guise of education, comedy, drama, etc.). No screen is static, they all flicker. Any repeated light and sound patterns can lead us into altered states of mind. Hypnotists use patterned speech (and/or movement) by varying the pacing and inflection of their voice to induce hypnosis. During hypnosis all people are receptive to mental programming. Messages we see and hear are filtered by trust in the source and, unfortunately, majority belief, even when not understood. Those are conditioned responses. Is there a way to protect ourself from constant subconscious manipulation? Yes. Ask Christ in. Read, then meditate on Gods Word. Another way is to be aware of how strategies of enemies to all souls work within our culture. 90% of what we intake is subconcious or unaware. That filters to our conscious mind, equating to belief then what we act on. Has to do with what we feed our souls. Souls fed with lies act on those lies. The memory banks and trace neurons do not correct errors of thought. After WW2, all the people who killed Jews were tested and found normal, i.e., those lies were fed previously but kept in the storehouse of their minds until action was asked, rarely demanded. Cognitive dissonance means most people cant reach truth, unlearn lies, because of pride in their false, wrong, world views. Those who control ideas that appeal to dying pride control populations. Those who control present ideas about the past, for the purpose of removing faith in Christ from our souls - mainly our minds, use simple nazi propaganda techniques or repetition, and coercion if necessary. People will scream in judgment that they didnt stand against indoctrination of our youth. Like pharisees who justified, lived but lied - spoiled dogs just wanted material wealth, easy life and special treatment. Do you think evil will present itself as evil? No!!! Evil says it loves, accepts, then gives us freedom before showing its true nature of soul bondage. Do you think the Lord likes deceptions? What do you think i fight against? You. LOL. Nah. The only way you could offend me is to be a Christian and walk away from the faith. But even then the Lord would help me realize its your own shallow soil thats at fault - were all graced with free will. Most people choose hell because the pride found within their false image superceded humbling ourselves to be like Christ, i.e., a real obedient, persistent Christian (like me, who foolishly brags now). God gave me gifts for the Body of Christ that i wisely unwrapped, thanked Him for and try to use daily. Most absorb and eventually become what we constantly hear and watch. We could get into discussing MK Ultra and some schools definitely started as noble causes to help shell shocked soldiers, traumatized vicitims, etc. but ended as making those people into mind control experiments. We can control animal movement and emotion with electrodes implanted into certain identified parts of their brains. Our world was set up for the strong delusion it is in now. More people believe in aliens than Christ!!! That poll showed 66.6% believe in aliens versus 33.4% who believe in the resurrected Christ from Nazareth. Wow. And some of you filth think thats cute... says a lot about you. Heartless selfish people will not reside with God after this life. A friend asked how many friends i lost here on facebook. Between 40-60, i told him they were people i met at school, work and through other people. i may recognize them but we never hung out, thus didnt know each other. Part of me feels bad i offended them but i spoke truth in love, not appeasement. Its expected because of the soil on which the seed lands. Sometimes the prince, power in the middle heavens sends his birds to steal them. God bless you. Memorize Romans 8.28, learn that Greek definition of that love and be real with your own soul today. No bad or warped fruit from this tree because God is too awesome.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 14:23:11 +0000

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