2 am cant sleep,got a lot on my mind and in my heart to consider! - TopicsExpress


2 am cant sleep,got a lot on my mind and in my heart to consider! I dont guess it ever really matters what I post only a couple read them anyways! But I cant sit here any more a be consumed by these thoughts of failure! I need prayer and thank you all who will and I speak blessing over you all who wont! I live my life concerned if Ill make it to heaven or not,will I live long enough to mess it all up and loose out! I can write about anything I choose but if you go back to the beginning of my FB its been almost all about God and the change required of us in order to make it into heaven! But for some people I know it seems conformity is the key and I have heard satans lies pour out of them as the truth,it seems like they tell so many they cant remember what they have said or posted! But to lie to someone and tell them its ok to be involved in willful sin,and that someday when they get a chance to straighten it all out is a lie from the pit of hell! Jesus never told anyone he had ministered to to go and when you feel like it sin no more,no he said at the moment of conversion to sin no more! He told the woman at the well of all her sin,he delivered her and told her to sin no more not to continue in an ungodly manner! At the judgment when everyone stands before God ,when the lost is judged they will not be able to say more time please,or I was going to get saved! What about the ones in willful sin,is Jesus going to give consideration to those who say I was going to clean up my life,I thought about sanctification but I didnt quite have enough time or Lord you know I was planning to or working on adhearing to your word! Will it not be to late then! Maybe this seems harsh to some of you but it was a message like this that spurred me into moving towards God! Ive heard people say that they would never sit under a conviction preacher,but which pastor is more needed,one who will preach you happy or one who will preach change in order to see souls saved and delivered! But never do I want any man or woman of God tell me to get right when I can! Its sad at the state that this country is in when Godly principles are overlooked to fill pockets,prideful hearts and churches ! I probably should stop there but I ask you LORD JESUS that if its not time to come get your church,please send for me! Lord hear my cry for my wife and children,the lost in the family to touch them and ignite the fire of holiness in their hearts! And dear Father remember us all who are called to minister the gospel that you help us continue in your ways so that we will be found faithful when you choose to call us home! Last thing if you dont like what I post tough! You can unfriend me now because I serve Jesus and as God speaks to me I will continue to post,but dont just block me from your news feed show me how you truly feel! Im grown I can take it!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:54:07 +0000

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