2 days ago / 164 notes / #Infinite #Woohyun #Instagram #Sungyeol - TopicsExpress


2 days ago / 164 notes / #Infinite #Woohyun #Instagram #Sungyeol #Dongwoo #omg [INTERVIEW] November 2013 Edition of Céci Magazine Céci : Aren’t most books’ concepts and releases decided according to the moment they come out. The fact your first book that came out in spring is winter-themed and that the one that got released in fall is spring-themed is funny. L : Isn’t the fact [my books] are released in an unbalanced way like this cool? (Laughs) Even though it wasn’t planned at first, I personally like this a lot. So far I released two books during the spring and fall seasons that both had a theme, so I think it’d be fun if I created a four-season feeling by adding summer and winter and releasing books at these times. Céci : You released your second book four months after the first one. What’s the difference between both? L : If the first book was about showing not L but Kim Myungsoo, the second one’s subject is ‘acquaintances’. I wanted to look back to the things we usually ignore so that’s why I put pictures of people who accompany me. Compared to when I was working on the first book, I took part in way more areas this time around so I can even say there’s no part I haven’t touched in this one. I think everyone is going to feel like this book is more upgraded than the first one. Céci : I saw an interview in which you said you like romance comics. Do you still enjoy them now? L : Until recently, I was reading . When it comes to movies, I enjoy melo movies like or , I really like the kind of calm sensitivity that comes out of such movies because I’m a person who believes in the theory that human nature is fundamentally good. (Laughs) Céci : I’m curious about L’s private life. What do you do when you don’t have any schedule? L : We’re currently on a world tour so it’s ben about a week since I’ve last been home. Most of the time when I’m home, I organize the pictures I’ve taken or I just sleep. I also sometimes go out to take pictures when I’m free. Céci : Who do you go take pictures with? L : I go alone. (Ceci : Don’t people recognize you?) Sometimes there are few people who stare at me but I don’t think anyone has ever realized it was me. Because aside from my fans, most people don’t know taking pictures is my hobby. And since I’m so focused on taking pictures, I doubt people would suspect me and ask themselves “Could it be a celebrity?”. Ah. And also if I go with my manager I think people may find it weird to see two men tag along together like that. (Laughs) Céci : I heard you own different types of cameras, which one do you use the most? L : I usually use a compact or mirrorless camera. I carry a camera in my bag to take pictures everuday so since DSLR cameras are heavy, it’s uncomfortable to go around carrying one. When I go out especially to take pictures though… (Carefully) Is it okay if I name the brand? (Ceci : Of course.) I use the Canon Mark-III. (Ceci : You may get offers to become this brand’s model like this.). I hope so. I am confident I’ll do well. (Laughs) Céci : What kind of pictures do you usually take? L : Because I can’t take pictures as well as expert photographers yet, it’s hard to say the kind of pictures I take. I take pictures of landscapes or people just how I see them, without hiding anything. Céci : I’m curious to know what the camera means to L. L : At first it was a thing I absolutely wanted to own, I purchased one as first as I got my first pay. Now, it’s a presence that accompanies me in my everyday life. I take pictures and write on my diary everyday, leaving a trace of everything for the record. Through the camera, I get to know the world I thought I knew a lot more and more deeply. We filmed the music video for in a neighborhood of Tokyo called Kichijoji. I didn’t know how wonderful of a place it was when we were filming but I found out about it when I went to took pictures there alone. Céci : Seeing how you came up with your own book by writing your text and taking pictures by yourself, you seem like an editor. If you ever become an editor, what kind of articles do you want to publish? L : A fashion pictorial ! With me as the photographer. The models would of course be the INFINITE members. Since we’re in the same team, isn’t it easy to work together? I can even call them whenever I need them. (Laughs). And since I know each member’s specialities better than anyone, I am the person who can take pictures of them the best. Céci : There are lots of pictures of the members in your book, how do the members react when you hold a camera in front of them? I’m curious L : Before releasing my [first] book, they were all annoyed by this. Their reaction was like “What’s wrong with him?”. Ah. Except for Sungjong. Since Sungjong is the maknae, he’s always nice. (Laughs). All the members who were annoyed because I was taking pictures of them everyday kept on telling me to do this later. But after my book came out, they started becoming aware of the camera considering the fact [the pictures I take] can end up in one of my books. Céci : Is there a member who especially cares about the camera? L : Of course there’s one. Sungyeol ! Even when he’s not doing anything special, if he sees the camera (Makes V signs with his two hands next to his eyes). He pretends to be cute like this. Céci : If you had to pick one, who would be the most photogenic member? L : Sungjong. It might be because he’s the youngst after all but his skin is really nice whether he’s wearing makeup or not. Céci : At the beginning of the year, Dongwoo and Hoya teamed up and promoted as the unit INFINITE-H. Do you have any plans to do other promotions in the musical field aside from acting or taking pictures? L : I don’t have any special plan to do so. [However] I like acoustic music and singing while playing the guitar. I also have a few self-composed songs I’ve already completed. Céci : Is there a foreign singer you want to work with. L : The Filipino acoustic duo M.Y.M.P. However collaborating with another artist would mean I said “INFINITE’s L is good at singing this kind of songs” to other people. Aren’t there a lot of people who don’t know the kind of songs I sing? That’s why I’m still careful when I talk about things like this. Céci : I’m curious about your life in the dorm. Who’s your roommate? L : Sunggyu hyung and Sungjong. At first we were four with our manager hyung. But he left the room without telling us anything. Did he get tired of us? (Laughs) Céci : Who’s the best roommate among all the ones you’ve had so far? L : Sungjong ! Since he’s the maknae he does everything I tell him to do Céci : How do you think you would be if you were the maknae? L : I can’t even imagine this. I would never be able to be like Sungjong. He does everything the hyungs tell him to do without saying anything. He even accepts mischevious jokes while smiling. I wonder how he manages to do this and I find him amazing. Céci : What if you had to reveal one of your dorm’s secret? L : Since we’re seven guys living together as soon as you get in our dorm you can see it’s terribly messy. Céci : Who is the person who messes up the dorm the most? L : All the members. Members whose houses are in other regions put their clothes for the different seasons in piles so it takes up a lot of space and it’s hard to organize them. Using this chance, there’s something I want to tell our CEO so can I? CEO, please make us move to a bigger house ! Céci : You currently are in the midst of your first world tour. What’s the place you’re looking forward to the most? L : Paris. I’ve never been there before. I want to attend a fashion show there and take pictures in a bunch of different Parisian alleys. Wouldn’t it be meaningful to take pictures of the things that symbolize this country, like the Eiffel Tower, during the world tour? Céci : Singer ‘L’, actor ‘Kim Myungsoo’, photographer ‘Kim Myungsoo L’, evaluate each of them. L : If I had to compare them to colors, I’d say ‘L’ is black. The actor ‘Kim Myungsoo’ is white. And ‘Kim Myungsoo L’ is gray. I’m trying to show different things through the singer L and actor Kim Myungsoo. Just how you get gray by mixing black and white that are totally different from each other, I think I can naturally connect the act of taking pictures even though it’s nothing similar to L the singer and Kim Myungsoo the actor. Céci : You’re only going to be 22 for two more months. If you had to be greedy and choose two things you want to happen before the year ends what would they be? L : I want to let a lot of people know about my existence. And I want to be considered as a person who has the capacity to impove. If I remain stagnant, I feel like my fans and even I will get tired and be disappointed in myself. Isn’t it sad not to expect anything anymore from someone? I want to feel that there are people who make me grow and who want to watch over me, I also want them to keep on looking forward to me. Céci : What kind of modifiers do you want to put in front of L? L : Singing, acting and photographing entertainer L. trans. cr; saphira @ infinite updates | source cr; @avril491 (thank you so much!!) ; take out with full credits 3 days ago / 469 notes / #Infinite #L #Myungsoo #마음이 너무 이쁜 우리 명수찡 #thank you favorite old person ♥ #interview #see you in Paris !
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 10:42:26 +0000

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