2 days for the price of 1! The Good Shepherd Read | Psalm - TopicsExpress


2 days for the price of 1! The Good Shepherd Read | Psalm 23 “He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul” (Ps. 23:2-3). You have probably heard this passage countless times. But no matter how often this beloved psalm is recited, we still seem to miss the full impact of its important message: God restores our soul. The way that the Lord sets our souls right is through our fellowship with Him. Even though we stray far from His path at times, He remains the Good Shepherd. We are prone to meander, but He receives us back gladly and is always willing to pardon His wayward sheep. But why would we ever want to leave such a loving Guide? The fact is, you’ve most likely never made a conscious decision to forsake the Father. This usually happens more subtly, as a result of our wandering desires and selfish attempts to meet our own needs. When we strive to gain comfort and safety apart from God, we stray further and further. Luke 15:3-7 is a wonderful picture of the warm reception awaiting a lost “sheep.” Does the shepherd scold or punish the wayward lamb? On the contrary, all of heaven celebrates because what was lost has now been found. In a similar way, heaven rejoices when a wandering child of God returns to the “fold.” In returning to the Lord, you might experience divine discipline, but as a believer, you will never incur His wrath. That has already been poured out upon His Son, who bore the punishment on our behalf. Are you a lost sheep, wandering far from your loving Shepherd? Stop to listen for His voice, and you’ll be led safely home. Led by the Shepherd Read | Psalm 34:9-10 As our Good Shepherd, the Lord fills many roles. Yesterday, we saw Him as a pardoning shepherd. He is also a providing shepherd—He knows our necessities before we even ask for help, and He delights in meeting those needs (Matt. 7:9-11). In practical terms, that means He knows what we need physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And He is already at work, achieving and providing things that we may not even have thought of as yet. Not only does God provide for us; He’s also a protecting shepherd, who defends us from attack. In verse 4 of Psalm 23, notice what comforts the writer—the Lord’s rod and staff. Ancient shepherds used these two implements to defend their sheep from vicious animals seeking a quick meal. God goes ahead of us, clearing our path of the Enemy’s snares. It is important to note, though, what Psalm 23 does not say. As much as we might want to avoid hard times, this passage doesn’t tell us that God will lead us around the “valley of the shadow of death.” Rather, He leads us through it (v. 4). This means that God’s plan often requires us to walk through painful circumstances, facing those shadows and dark places in our lives. However, in the midst of the rough journey, we can remain confident by keeping our eyes on the Shepherd, who leads us safely home. Have you experienced the Lord’s provision, only to fall into subsequent doubt and fear because of loss or hardship? He has not left you. God remains your Good Shepherd, leading you through the darkness and into the light, where He is. Dr CS
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 16:04:03 +0000

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