2 has arrived, Man has come a long way from what was given 201to - TopicsExpress


2 has arrived, Man has come a long way from what was given 201to him, namely water, air, sky, earth, and fire. It is mankind that has brought the great progress and prosperity to the living in this world. The progress has been a mixed one, some have led to the wellbeing of the society and some have led to destruction even though meant for the good of all. There has been progress in science, technology, medicine, farming, food processing, energy, and human resources. Lots of diseases are now under control. Transportation has improved. Living standards are improving. But the glory of man is sometimes tarnished by the evil traits of nationalism, wars, conflicts, and racial tensions .And to top it, the nature causes havoc with its share of the suffering it brings in the form of drought, rain, flooding, tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides and hurricanes and cyclones. In spite of all these, the human civilisation must continue. There are less resources on the planet. But the world is dominated by the economics of living. The mind is focused on how to live from day to day. How much is man happy today? Is he or she leading a life of fulfilment? Life of competition and long hours of work together with lots of information to digest. Every day there is new gadget in the market, innovations are continuing . may be for the sake of speed and for the benefit of those who market. Where are we going? Are we engulfed in the rat race? Definitely life now is much better even though there is worry for shortages of water and food and housing . There are means of solving old problems as new ones are also cropping up. Some are struggling, some are doing well, and some are just coping.Life is going on in spite of struggles and travails. What is next for you? What this existence is going to bring for you? Is the world changing for youth? ARE YOU CHANGING WITH THE WORLD? Are you keeping pace with the changing world? Are you content? Or are you contemptible?Are you taking part in the glories of the world? Is there something missing in your life? The world is full of of ideologies, philosophies,dogmas,religions and viewpoints. Which one you are going to take up? May be this is the only chance for your living on this planet. Whose authority are you going to accept? Have you ever enquired as to where have you come from? When your end comes ,is it the end or something further is there for you? What is the purpose of your existence? There are so many life forms on the planet ,why this particular one for you? Who has sanctioned it for you? Or does someone decide for you? Do you think you are being controlled? Are you free to do things as you wish? That The first principle of life is atma. The word has given a scientific term called atomic. It is the most important word in the universe. Atma refers to the soul. Religions have come up to explain this important concept.It is unseen, all pervading,a pure entity living in impure circumstances.Atma can not be destroyed. Neither it can be burnt nor drowned.IT is part of our daily life. How much is this considered in everyday life.all principles of human life is to be based on it.Religions have lost their cause. The purpose of religion is to keep societies in check and keep it running efficiently.The ONE has been divided in to many.it was done for a good cause. But goodness has turned into destruction. Some are still able touse it wisely . However ,many are using it for their selfish gains It can be in the form of making money, promoting their kind, or truth belongs to them only.Truth is all pervading. It is same everywhere. All have one Supreme Father. And the Father has all sons and daughters fighting each other.What a tragedy? Why are there so many views? The end point of everyone is atma. The atma takes a body. And man takes a consciousness. He lives for a while. He dies. What is left of him? Atma alone and nothing else. Do you think it is not there? The senses do not pick everything in life . Can they? Can you see everything? Have you seen the mind? Have you seen the intelligence? It is based on inference logic. Atmas existence is based on this premises. Who begins to give a thought to existence of atma. Those who become disabled. Those who are not able to continue in this material life. Those who become diseased. Those who have been affected in a disaster such as earthquake or tsunami or accidents. Why the existence of a spirit, atma , or soul comes to the mind ?Or is it the minds reaction to a state of suffering.You are that atma . You are not the body. In the future you will not have this body.Was everything that you had based on the body. I think so. The body carries your atma. Who is this I? You did not come with the name you have . Your parents gave it to you. Then what is your original name? Who decided where will you be born? Who decided your parents? Who decided your ethnicity, whether you will be African. European, or Asian? Who decides how long you will be here on this planet? I am sure this is not the case where an individual decides. Who decides whether one is born in poverty or in richness? Who decides for a person to be born disabled, or deaf or blind , one kidney, hole in the heart , or deformed? The religion of the brahmans called Vedas have explained allthese in detail. And these have been taken up by the all major religions of the world .All religions are expected to explain these principles . The foundation of all religions are the propagation of knowledge of spirit or atma though many have gone into the by-lanes and have become causes for disturbace and disharmony in the the society. All religions must teach Unity, harmony, peace, love , and mercy. Based on one atma in all. This is the prime duty of all religions. No religion is allowed to promote violence in any form.They should not encourage hatred, domination over others, secretarianism, and the business of only The closesed entity to atma is love, uncondional love, There is no selfishness, noattachment, no bondage to anything , no suffering. There is no exploitation, subordination, any any form of disturbances. What is happening today?? Religion has become major cause of strife , unrest, destruction and suffering . Religion has many good things to offer in this age of lawlessness, chaos, poverty , high cost of living, anxiety, busy and hurried lifestyle, densely populated towns and cities , economy driven living, pollution and weather pattern changes. The world is mixing up very quickly. T here is mixing of races, tribes, and castes.People are bringing their cultures with them and their religions also.Time is coming to look into the goodness offered by all religions and use it for the good of all.Discard all those principles tha create disturbance in the societies,No one should be allowed to back up a religious principle that creates havoc in the societyeven though it is enthrined in the scripture Scripture is a guiding map and they are different routes to same destination. If all religions are differenrt there will be many creators for one universe.All scriptures are different ways to explain the same fundamental question. Who are you? Where have you come from? Whereare you going? What are your dutie? Is a sect a good thing? It is called a sampradadaya.It is based on a teacher or some postulates produced from a scriptural text. From one religion it can have thousandsof sects . One trying to prove to theother its superior form of knowledge, or representing the scripture in its best form. It has some advantage in that it is available to some people which otherwise would not.And there is danger of creation of many forms or sects fighting on petty differences Sometime it can end up in communinal violence. Sometime one group would like to take control of the government of the day. See the Lord through all the Scriptures. See the world through the eyes of one Lord.SeeIT through the eyes of love and mercy.Do not make the vision narrow See the infinite manifestation of the Lord. To live in this world a broad vision is necessary. Why the atma has no name? What is Nirguna? (Attributeless) What is Nirakar? (Formless) What is Nirvana? (moved away from duality) What is Avakyekta ? (infallible) What is vekyata ? (fallible) What is Brahman? (Absolute Truth) The above mentioned concepts deal with very large visionary concepts.they are beyond the material concept of life. They explain issues beyond dualty, into the world of total oneness with no difference to produce duality. These are teachings of Sruti (ddirect from heavens)They are higher concepts.One can notice wherever there is oneness there is no fight.there is difference here, the place of disturbance. When we resort to oneness here , we can produce the same effect here. That’s why it is generally said Heaven on Earth.Sometimes personalities clash. When one doesnot talk about personalities clashes do not take place.Therefore all knowledge should begin with SRUTI and go down the chain.Remember the first principle is the Atma. Everything follows from there Religion coming from one GOD or from one prophet or one GURU IS BY NO MEANS THE COMPLETE Picture of the field of religion. It begins with Om OMis beginingless IT HAS NO BIRTH it has no deathIt has pure sound as its quality and characteristic.FROM om begins the creation IT IS PART OF EVERY SINGLE ENTITY.OmBRINGS EVERY THING INTO EXISTENCE AND FINALLY IT DISSOLVES. All .OM IS EVER EXISTING It is the base of all creation it has nothing to do with this prophet or that prophet , or this God or that God . or this Guru or that Guru. Some form of a religion is going to come and go from time to time.Your neighbour will have a view contrary to yours . There are different means to the the same source.One should notice that no two religions teach same thing. All are full of contracdictions. No two Gurus, or scriptures can be identical to each other. TThey may be similar.Fighting on the basis of such futile thinking where premises do not translate into real fruits seems to be childish, God is to treated all pervading Yes I do not deny Gurus ,prophets, peers and paghambars do come from time to time to teach about the holy spirit, attaining heavenly kingdom and more lessly to preach human values. Gods and Goddesses have come from the heavens and took human forms like the Christ of Nazareth and Krisna of Gokul and Buddha of Gaya.. However, no sane God will ever teach hissubjects to create disturbance and destruction after they have left. Incarnations do come and preach the truth of love and service and caring each other The teachings are universal. And that’s the the way it should be. To be able to help all to live well on this planet God does not side with any race of people, he does not side any nation and and doesnot side with anyones religion and region.Truth is same for all Love is same for everyone . Man always fights for land. And country. How much do you need? So say the Brahmans of IIndia You need 6
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 03:04:35 +0000

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