2 months ago I was in the worst pain in labor woth Isaiah. I was - TopicsExpress


2 months ago I was in the worst pain in labor woth Isaiah. I was induced with the girls and had the epidurals with them. Being that Isaiah was gonna be my last, I wanted to be as natural as possible. I was 39 1/2 wks. Woke up that morning to go see my ob/gyn. Got there and she told me I was in labor. Dilated to a 6. So I hurried home to get sitters for the girls and to walk around. At about 12 my contractions got closer. I got checked into the hospital around 130. They gave me pitocin to spead up my contractons. She broke my water around 450. Mommy was hurting but tolerating it. About 35 minutes later the pain was unbearable. I had waited to long for the epideral dilated to a 9 1/2 . The demiral takes about 3 minutes to kick in. As soon as they put it in my iv I starting pushing. 2 minutes later Isaiah was out and crying. Ill never forget his first cry. Or the first time I laid eyes on him . If I could have all that pain back a thousands times id do it with joy. I miss my baby. None of this feels real. I just wanna wake up and him be here. This is not fare. I should of went instead of him. You are not supposed to burry your children. They are supposed to burry you.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 08:35:15 +0000

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