2 more sleeps until we start again. What would you like to - TopicsExpress


2 more sleeps until we start again. What would you like to achieve with these sessions? Weight Loss, Toning, Improve Fitness, Inch Loss, all of the above? My goal is to be in the best shape I can possibly be in to be able to play and run around with my son. So basically improve my general wellbeing. To do so, I need to trim up a little, lose a few pounds, and reduce the amount of body fat I have, as I have eaten far too much over the past few months, so I am planning to sort my food intake out so I eat completely balanced meals Sunday-Friday and have a Saturday to eat and drink any of the food which is considered unhealthy. This has always worked for me in the past, just having Matthew has made me develop a very sweet tooth, so I am sure I will find it hard. I am going to take a photo of myself just in my bikini tomorrow morning, so I have a before photo, which I can use to compare any physical changes. I am going to measure my chest, waist, hips, thighs and arms to monitor any inch loss. I am going to use my Fat Calipers to measure my Body Fat % to monitor my fat loss. I will weigh myself, but I personally do not like to use weight as a tool to track progress, as I am a firm believer that inch and body fat loss is the key to achieving results, weight fluctuates too much. Plus I generally weigh heavy anyway, I always have. Every year I am at the doctors having my Well Woman check, I am always told my BMI is too high, even though I have always kept myself in good shape. I will keep everyone up to date with my progress on here. If you wish for me to do this very same assessment on you, it is free of charge and is a great way to assess your progress. Let me know if you want to book in for an assessment :)
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 15:30:37 +0000

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