2 near the school and 2 were found dead in a burning house near - TopicsExpress


2 near the school and 2 were found dead in a burning house near by... im pretty sure more than 2 people died yesterday from prescription medications, but that doesnt really serve any special political agenda. That, and pharmaceutical companies help pay for our elected officials campaigns, so we wont be hearing about that this morning in major media "news". Not to mention that the mentally unstable individual attacking people was on said medications when this took place. but do we see any national campaigns paid for with tax payers dollars informing people of this? no. our govt. spends our money trying to ban something that is involved in fewer deaths per year than vending machines... so what can we take from this? we know this tragedy will be used by our government to further encroach on our freedoms, we know major media will say anything and intentionally give false information to serve the agenda of billionaires/trillionaires that own it (those same guys own a lot of your elected officials also) so what can we do? What can the rightful and true owners (you and I) of the most powerful nation ever to exist do to stop these injustices? To answer my own question I suggest this: we start at the source. We do what we can every day to eliminate this environment of synthetics, this false world of tv monitors in every room with a distant semi celebrity telling us what is right and what is real and we talk to one another, face to face and discuss what kind of community we want to live in and what kind of world we want to leave for the future. Because we live in a rare point in the worlds history where we can make pretty much whatever we want happen. Our population in numbers is at a point where we cannot avoid violence and we live together in such density that when it happens there is an abundance of victims close by. But the solution is not to strip the law abiding people of their "god given" rights to protect themselves, the solution is to eliminate the toxic environment that breeds unstable minds. If you agree please make this case to your elected officials and tell them what you want done and tell them that if they cannot make it happen they will not be re elected.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 17:26:22 +0000

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