2 of the biggest things for me and my anxiety, is being surrounded - TopicsExpress


2 of the biggest things for me and my anxiety, is being surrounded in a big group of people (a party, family gathering, etc), and it melding with my depression and making me very unmotivated... if people fully knew what goes on in my head on a daily basis, it would probably frustrate them highly... alton deals with my deoression and anxiety, and he has for almost 2 years. He has helped me through a lot of panic and anxiety issues that i had caused myslf by making big deals out of little things. I do it all the time, and i love him so much for being there for me when i have my episodes. Being there to calm me down and to tell me everything will be okay. My anxiety and depression cause headaches, a heavy chest that makes it hard to breath and sometimes crying for no reason.. i promise, i am not acting like a child, its just my brain over thinking when i am overly anxious and trying to figure out a solution to what is going on in my head. I am one of those people that has to double, triple and quadruple check things just because i know if something doesnt go as planned, i will become anxious and depressed... the way to handle my anxiety, is to NOT walk away from me when i am feeling that way. That will do nothing but set me off even more because to me, that looks like youre avoiding confrontation... anywho, i think i need to stop talking now lol
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:05:32 +0000

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