2 or 3 times a week i drop certified mail on people who are losing - TopicsExpress


2 or 3 times a week i drop certified mail on people who are losing their homes..... i see folks just barely eeking by, some losing jobs and just tossing aside their current life and moving on to where ever.... leaving behind homes, friends + way too big mortgages. ive talked to some personally while delivering mail to them these last 19 years, most folks are trained in being somebody important at this lace, but are lost and confused when it comes to why things happen all around them. while in the navy, we called these folks nukes they could tell you how to chemically induce the atomic reactions in the power plant, but couldnt tell you common skill items, like how to kiss a girl. i believe that far too many people are lost in their work, music + entertainment + sport to follow what, when, where, and why in their lives. to many have tossed aside thier duty to follw whats happening and who perpetrated this thing.... other than car crashes and crimes. a few weeks from now we will be at a probable life altering turning point in our country, and i know that most dont care....... and that is the real problem. less that 1/3 of the voting age population will even bother to vote..... saying what will it matter? my vote wont count..... keep saying that, and you will cause the many to be ruled by the few.....being those who are willing to vote. if you sont care about the future( by not voting, and actually being informed when you do vote) than you have no one to blame but yourself. you didnt care when things mattered the most, so why should anyone listen to you complain after hell in a handbasket happens? ive dedicated the last 30 years in service to my country, as a military man, ( a disabled vet), as a mailman serving my community. ive studied poli-sci / history for the last 15 years, i have more than a lot of info in my noggin for any and all to pick thru, please just ask..... i of course have my opinions, but try diligently to have informative, equal response time conversations, with any and all i talk with. ive learned from the other side, my side, and the history channels side. funny thing is....... nobody bothers to talk to me........im that opinionated guy, who knows it all yeah, maybe..... but i have tons of reasons why i might be. my dad told me long ago.... you dont know, just how much you dont know. ive spent my lifetime gathering info from all sources i could get talk time with, listen to, or read about..... i teach these things to any who would listen, mostly my kids and a few scouts ive worked with being a scout dad. ive opened a few eyes here and there.... ive had some who call me a bigot for my beliefs, ive been called brilliant and an ass by the same person on the same subject....... my info might not be what you want to hear, but if we do not talk out our differences, we divide and fight, like our current congress. unwilling to give the other side ( both sides) any nod of approval for a good idea. all i want to do is teach/ share what ive researched with those whom are willing to be better tomorrow than they are today. if you see me online, engage me in a conversation.... please, i dont want to not care anymore........................ all i want to do is help my nation be the place the downtrodden masses want to get to for oppurtunity. not a light version of socialism trending toward the heavier by the day, big invasive government that is killing us. every legal man and woman should be trying to make our country a better place by building on what actually works,( with their informed vote), not on misplaced utopian dreams. we didnt become the worlds leading superpower by giving out awards for showing up.... we won it with grit, work, determination,a i will not fail or take a handout attitude..... we gave in charity to those we knew needed it, in our own hometowns, not to some giant tax sucking, taking our cut off the top government bean counter. George Washington said government is like a fire, useful til it gets to big paraphrasing there.... quote might be a tad different.... point still the same. government wastes your money faster than you can make it.... and faster than they can print it. why else do we have an ever increasing debt? we can and should do better, go back to what worked. statesmen/ women, who are looking out for all of us, not sections and voting blocks. robbing from peter to pay paul will get pauls vote every time.... but really pisses off peter! half the country is now peter, half is now paul. folks who think that they are supposed to get stuff, just because they live here, are the problem. respect me cuse im me, doesnt cut it..... respect is earned. just like money and grades, you must go out and earn them. more people are sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the job market to come back than at any point since 80, look at the labor participation rate.... it shows how many that could be working are actually working............ less employed = more less taxes collected being paid out to non workers, = never ending downward spiral............i know you all work for youre money, vote to keep more of it, vote to keep intrusions into your life a minimum. who knows better what to do with your money than you do? a financial advisor right? every newborn child owes $46,000.00 in USA debt, and it will only get bigger when our credit rating declines + we need to pay higher interest rates on that almost $18 trillion dollars. google how much that really is..... stacks of money to reach the moon........ we will never pay it back if we dont start now. please, please, please get informed, vote as you wish, but do not slack it off....... your future depends on your civic pride/duty. dont let the elites from either side tell you how to live your life. talk to me. you might not like what youll hear, but you will learn why things are the way they are................. you never know how much you dont know. if you read the whole thing..... im proud of you. i respect you for taking the time, i look forward to talking to ya. jimbo.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 07:25:17 +0000

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