2 years ago Maximus was diagnosed with Autism. I still remember - TopicsExpress


2 years ago Maximus was diagnosed with Autism. I still remember sitting in Dr Leslies office and him turning to me and saying has Autism been mentioned to you? Then he went on to explain the term Autism spect disorder and where Maximus fits into the scale. At one end there is PDD- NOS ( Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified) then there is Aspergers, and then there is autism. We were told Maximus has autism. After that I didnt take much in and scheduled another appointment to have Darren Rayner come with me. This was the start of our Journey, it made me realise what I knew about autism was not very much at all. I had tried to tell Dr Leslie he was wrong. But in fact I was. You see I was sure Autism affected people and they couldnt talk, if they did it was just repetitive, I was sure a person on the spectrum could not give any eye contact ( Maximus can, just not often and only if he trusts you and is in a calm mood) I was sure people with autism did not like people, Maximus LOVES people , he loves people too much, and interacts a little inappropriate. I was also sure every person with Autism had a gift this is so wrong and to suggest it to a parent of a child that struggles to feed them self and just function can be very upsetting. Yes Many do have a gift many excell with numbers or art... Many like Maximus dont have a gift at least not one that is useful or safe. Maximus can escape and know what key opens a door from seeing it happen once, but this is NOT a gift it is a curse, he has no danger awareness and elopes... 49% of children on the spectrum do. I hope this little insight has made you a little more Autism aware. Each day I will share something, it may be like today and personal, it may be a random fact. By the end of this month I hope every one on my friends list knows a little more and thinks before they judge that parent with a screaming child in the shops next time.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:41:57 +0000

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