2 years ago my life was very different. I was making choices that - TopicsExpress


2 years ago my life was very different. I was making choices that were causing me to backslide in my walk with God, my heart was focused on me and what I wanted and filling my own personal desires. It took a devastating heart break, deep dark depression and a good friend to help me see my need for Jesus, my need for trusting Him and my hearts need to be changed. On New Years Eve I told God I was done living for me, done living to please others, done playing around with my faith, done taking advantage of Gods grace and I re-committed my life back to Jesus. Since then, I have been able to look back on the past 2 years and see just how patient, kind, good, gracious and unrelenting Jesus was with me. No matter how far I wandered, no matter how many times I did the same sinful things, no matter how many times I ignored Him, He NEVER gave up on me. I thank God for those 2 years because before that my love for God was mostly head knowledge. Now, my love for God comes out of a place of purely knowing how kind my Father truly is and how much I want to please Him. God will never give up on you. Its amazing how much He pursues us even when we are completely ignorant of His presence. He will always wait for and go looking for the one. Im honestly not filled with regret over the last two years because without it Im not sure I would have such a deep and real understanding of Gods heart and love. We all make mistakes and suck sometimes but HIS love never, ever, ever fails. Brittany Bright and Tanya Detweiler Route and Barbara Linn Stillerman Gile and Sierra Irizarry walked with me through some very hard, dark, pits of deep depression in the last 9 months, Amanda Confer and Natasha Ackleyand Lauren DeWolf supported me when I felt alone and didnt know where to turn and I just want each of you to know how much I love, appreciate and needed you all during that time. Youre awesome women of God! #100daysofhappiness #grateful Its never too late for you to change your life. You are never beyond repair and never beyond help. I promise you, there is a God and He truly wants to love you.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 13:01:13 +0000

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