2 years ago today I watched you come into this world, I cut your - TopicsExpress


2 years ago today I watched you come into this world, I cut your cord and watched you take your first breath, heard your first cry and seen you open your eyes and look in amazement at this new world around you. I was in aww at this tiny little miracle who I was holding in my arms, not sure of what was to come next. We have watched you grow for these past 2 years from your first roll, first taste of food, first crawl, first tooth, first steps, we have spent several sleepless nights through the teething and colds as well as the bad dreams. We have watched in amazement at how fast you have grown and all of the new things that we have taught you how fast you have learned them, the potty training in which you have become very independent on and how you want your privacy while doing so, as well as the vocabulary we get excited when you pronounce things and put things into sentences. I do wish on one hand that you would slow down a little on the growing up so fast, I wish there was a pause button to make you stay the same size for a while. I must say I would not change any decision we made to bring you into this family, you have been a blessing to us, you light up my mornings when you say "morning momma you sleep good?" and give me a great big hug and kiss, to when you say "night momma I love you" and I watch you drift off into sleep. I stayed up last night just watching you sleep and cried a little, tears of happiness that we have played this big part in your growth and development as well as your happiness. we love you very much Viviana and would not trade you for all the money in the world. Happy Birthday baby girl I hope we can give you a great birthday today as well as party tomorrow.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 11:26:20 +0000

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