2 – miesięczny EVS w Cluj-Napoca, w Rumunii już od 5-go - TopicsExpress


2 – miesięczny EVS w Cluj-Napoca, w Rumunii już od 5-go listopada do 5-go stycznia. Nie czekaj, aplikuj już teraz !!! Wyślij swoje CV w formie Europass oraz list motywacyjny na adres [email protected] a przekażemy Twoje zgłoszenie niezwłocznie do organizatorów. Kilka słów o organizacji goszczącej: Support 4 Youth Development Association, from Cluj-Napoca is an NGO aiming to support youngsters from the local community in terms of gaining the access to alternative ways of education, information, resources and opportunities. Besides this S4YD initiates an alternative way of developing skills and abilities that will provide youngsters with a clearer path for professional and personal growth. Aktywności w projekcie: The volunteers will be involved in various activities of the project, taking into consideration the achievement of the following objectives planned: A. Developing alternative educational activities for local community B. Informing youngsters from local community during the whole voluntary stage period in connection with different opportunities for their own development (youth exchanges, trainings, courses, seminars, conferences, cultural and social events, workshops, internships etc.) C. Developing practical life competences and abilities from 3 different areas of personal development such as: social skills, linguistic competences, organizational and technical abilities during the whole voluntary stage period. The mentioned objectives will be achieved by the implementation of the following activities: A.1. Taking part in the Youth Capital 2015 framework, by designing and implementing educational and social activities for a large public (this will be an autonomous activity). A.2. Developing and implementation of workshops on theater, dance, public speaking, improvisation, storytelling, debate, idea generation and creativity, games, sportive activities, outdoor activities, visualization of documentaries, social and cultural events etc., all targeted to be used as professionals and self development tools. B.1. Secondary research activities on alternative available opportunities for youth (electronic platforms, e-groups, social networks etc.) and promotion via internal data bases, social networks etc. Opportunities will contain possible vacant places for youngsters, actions, activities and/or projects in which young people can get involved. B.2. Study visits and caravans in the local and regional community and primary research activities (creation of internal data bases with contacts from at least 100 youth centers, social centers, other centers, orphanages, NGOs, different institutions and their offer for youth) and promotion via internal data bases, social networks etc. B.3. Creation of an online publication (newsletter) containing alternative opportunities for youth and distributing, promoting it among them C.1. Organizing at least 4 classes of foreign languages involving at least 60 youngsters C.2. Creating, designing, organizing and implementing own activities and projects, as the volunteer will have 40% of the activity will be an autonomous activity, guided by a coordinator Profil wolontariusza EVS We are looking for candidates willing to invest in developing their competences as: - research abilities, working with different electronic platforms, e-groups, social networks etc., able to maintain and administrate a website or have the willingness to learn; IT and promotion knowledge will be an advantage. - Being able to (or willing to learn to) make videos, pictures and to write articles and other texts for the publication containing opportunities and information for youth; Having PR & Design knowledge are an advantage. - Being able to (or willing to learn to) create a possible structure for language classes in his/her native language - Willing and being able to (or to learn to) organize different alternative activities for youngsters: workshops, support groups, social meetings, world coffee’s or debates, creative workshops, sportive activities, games and out-door activities, visualization of educational documentaries, social and cultural events etc. If the volunteer has specific skills in one area, please let us know. - Having the capacity of speaking English (or willing to learn) at least on a basic level (conversational) and enough to develop the proposed activities, especially to communicate with people and to write correctly. - We encourage the participation of youngsters with fewer opportunities and in order to achieve the goals of the project we will select at least 6 volunteers with fewer opportunities (e.g. from the rural area, minorities etc.) - Having leadership skills, willingness to learn and self motivation, open minded and curious in challenging ideas. Logistyka I informacje praktyczne: We will provide the following facilities and logistics: - 100% Accommodation & Food: Volunteer will live with others volunteers in the Center of Cluj-Napoca in 1-2 flats (all utilities included). Every volunteer will have his/her own room. Also they will receive monthly budget for food and pocket money. - Office equipments: desks, computers, Wireless internet, Telephone, Mobile Phone, Personal E-mail address, office supplies, training equipments etc. - Mentorship and Training opportunities: Each participant will benefit of a personalized mentoring program coordinated by one of the EVS mentors. Along with this we offer possibilities to participate in workshops and training targeting certain needs. - Romanian language course - Personal support – a team of volunteers, EVS coordinator, project coordinator, inclusion into international groups (Erasmus Student Network Cluj, local EVS community, Couchsurfing community etc.) Nie zastanawiaj się, aplikuj zanim ktoś Cię uprzedzi, w razie pytań pisz: [email protected]
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 08:08:55 +0000

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