20/01/2015 Today’s Meditation: 1Samuel 16:1-13 David: The Man - TopicsExpress


20/01/2015 Today’s Meditation: 1Samuel 16:1-13 David: The Man After The Heart Of God 2 The Man That God Approves Now the LORD said to Samuel, How long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil, and go; I am sending you to Jesse the Bethlehemite. For I have provided Myself a king among his sons. 1Sam 16:1. And when He had removed him, He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will. Acts 13:22. God had said long time ago that the scepter shall not depart from Judah. Meaning that the original plan of God was for the tribe of Judah to produce kings for Israel. However Saul the son of Kiss was fortunate to wear the first crown in Israel although he was from the tribe of Benjamin. Saul was an emergency king; his choice was precipitated by the sudden demand from the people for a king because of the trouble they were experiencing from children of prophets; children of Eli first and then children of Samuel. They wanted a king and Saul came into the radar of God. Saul got what he neither campaigned nor applied for; he stumbled into it and quickly fumbled out of it. Right from the beginning, God was the King of Israel; the nation was His. Even though the people demanded for a king, they wanted a king to rule them; God did not want to relinquish His authority over Israel. He must continue to rule. But now it was an indirect thing; the king was to rule the people while God was to rule the king. Therefore the man to rule must be a man who perfectly fits into this divine arrangement. He must be a man who will stand in the shadow of God doing perfectly His will and walking impeccably in His ways. Such a man will not only be a man of the people, he must also be a man of God. Saul was indeed a man of the people; unfortunately he was not a man of God. All he needed to succeed was given to him by God; he was filled with the Spirit of God so that he would be able to stand both with men and also with God. Regrettably, the heart that Saul carried was a wrong type. Saul was a wrong vessel carrying the right material. He possessed the Spirit of God in a heart of disobedience. One thing that Saul did not understand is this, in being the man of the people and the man of God at the same time, he was expected to serve the people but obey God. The order must not be reversed. That is the mandate of every man of God; to serve the people in perfect obedience to God. Saul was obeying the people claiming to serve God. Sad enough, this is not possible. A man who obeys the people cannot serve God. When God announced David as His replacement for Saul just two years into his forty years on the throne, it was the matter of the heart of obedience that brought the change. God said “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will”. The man that God will approve is the man that will do all His will. The word “all” is critical in this matter because partial obedience is perfect disobedience as far as God is concerned. A man who cannot do “all” the will of God cannot mean much in Him and for Him. The number one request in the pattern of prayer given by our Master was for the will of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven. “So He said to them, When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven” Luk 11:2. The most important prayer of a serious child of God is not “fire the devil and crush your enemy”. The most important plea of a true child of God is for the grace to do “all” His will. When God finds a man who can do “all” His will, He has found the right material for supernatural assignments. When God found this grace, the grace to do “all” His will in David, He quickly rejected Saul and announced his replacement though he still have thirty-eight years for which he was just to occupy space. Beloved, are you desiring that God should introduce you in your generation? If your answer is yes, the first thing that will endear you to God is the heart that is ready all the times, in all circumstances, by all means to do all His will. When God finds in you a heart that has no reason at all for partial obedience or complete disobedience, you are the material He is looking for through whom He will show Himself mighty. That is why today, I challenge you to pray; pray for the heart that will obey God. Pray for the heart that will do all His will. Stop asking God to do your will; people who do that will remain insignificant in the things of God. God will never follow a man; man must follow Him or remain lost forever. Always remember that partial obedience is as terrible as total disobedience. Please pray! We will look more into this tomorrow by His grace. May God create in us new hearts fashioned after perfect obedience; may we begin to carry in us the hearts that will do all His will in all His ways in Jesus name. May we have no more reasons for doing our own things thereby making ourselves outcasts before Him in Jesus name. God will destroy in us today the power and yoke of the flesh and make us truly spiritual in doing His will in Jesus name. May your day be blessed today in Jesus name. Keep sharing these messages; keep inviting your friends to join the People of Testimony group. Doing so is doing the will of God! I loved you!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 05:16:20 +0000

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