20/9/2014. ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः - TopicsExpress


20/9/2014. ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः । There are some misbelieves prevalent in society since long, without any known source of origination. In the most of cases they are always vogue, uncertain, and unauthenticated. Nobody knows who initiated those believes. Nobody knows whether they have backing of Shastra (Scriptures) or not, they have never been tested whether they hold truth or not. Their long prevalence in society itself is regarded as a Shastra Vachan (Preaching of Scriptures), and as these beliefs are convenient to mass people, people try to be testimony, protector and upholders of these believes. If you go into details, you find that they have no roots in the Shastra and they have deliberately been incorporated by the vested interests. The next such wrong notion is liberation is such a hard phenomenon that it is almost impossible for a common man. The insertion of this misbelief is very intentional. If Pundits accept that liberation is very easy, and if then you achieve it, then they feel that there is no charm in it. But if it is very hard, and they promise to make you avail, then they feel that they have done some herculean work. It must be very clear that liberation is never given by any other authority, but it is to be earned by the aspirant. So any such claim on the part of anybody to promise the liberation, it is just misguiding and an intrigue to mislead the innocent aspirants. When they know that their promises hold no good, they know that they are never going to be fulfilled, so why should they be greedy in making such promises. Shastra says: वचने किं दरिद्रम् । (Vachne kim daridram?) Why one should be greedy in making promises? But liberation is not hard phenomenon that it is almost impossible for a common man. Yes hard is initiation by the aspirant. Hard is imbibing the fact by the aspirant that he is already liberated, he just has to behave like the liberated man. Say a prince of a king somehow was lost in a Hindi Movie like festival. 40 years have passed and prince is brought up like a bonded laborer. Now after 40 years king comes to know that a particular person in the kingdom is a Prince, and he brings him to Palace. But bonded laborer is not prepared to believe that he is prince and continues to behave like a bonded labor, then what others can do? Has he to make any efforts to become a prince? He is already a prince. He needs not to become a prince. He has not to make any effort to become a prince. If prince in him is invoked, then what he has to do? Has he to issue a notification that he is a prince? If he is not genuine prince, then he may have to issue such notification, but for real prince it is never required. What he has to do to establish him as a prince? Nothing but just behave like a prince behaves. He should talk, walk, sleep, wear, sit, order, obey, punish, pardon, donate and collect taxes as the prince does. That is all. In short he must behave like a prince behaves. But if you hand over this case to Pundit, they will certainly say that you do fast for 7 Thursday and give donation of white grain to poors, then only prince in you will be invoked. You have always over eaten; you have always robbed people of their belongings. So the advice of Pundit for fast and donation soothes you. So more likely you incline to heed to advice of Pundit and not the Shastra. This is the gimmick people are undergoing everyday. Same way you are already liberated. You never were bonded. You just have to realize that you are liberated and behave like a liberated man behaves. You have not to make any efforts. Sage Ashtavakra says to king Janak: नाप्नोति कर्मणा मोक्षं विमूढोऽभ्यासरूपिणा। धन्यो विज्ञानमात्रेण मुक्तस्तिष्ठत्यविक्रियः॥१८- ३६॥ The stupid does not achieve liberation even through regular practice, but the fortunate remains free and actionless simply by wisdom. (Ashtavakra Gita 18-36). That is all. हरिः ॐ तत् सत् ।
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 04:11:41 +0000

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